1.1 The adjudicator’s decision will be final.
1.2 Communication with the adjudicator either by entrants, teachers or other interested parties during the Eisteddfod is strictly prohibited and the committee reserves the right to disqualify any entrant for breach of this rule.
1.3 Any competitor who has been taught, coached or advised by an adjudicator of any section of the Eisteddfod during the three months preceding the Eisteddfod will not be eligible to compete in that section. Any competitor doing so will be disqualified.
1.4 The Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute or additional adjudicator for the announced adjudicator for any reason.
2.1 The Committee reserves the right to refuse admission to any person.
3.0 AGE
3.1 Age for solos is at 1st JUNE, each year.
Date of Birth to be stated on all entries.
Proof of age may be required at any time during the Eisteddfod.
3.2 Age for Troupes/Groups/Ensembles is at 1st JANUARY, each year.
4.1 All sections will be for amateurs only or where it is stated that a teacher/adult may be included. An AMATEUR is defined as any person whose main source of income is not derived from any exercise of their talents in the particular discipline for which they have entered.
This rule does not apply to conductors or accompanists.
5.0 AWARDS, SHIELDS and TROPHIES (Selected by the adjudicators)
5.1 Berisse Trophy for a District dancer, 12 years and under, showing the most promise and potential in dance.
Beverly Rowles Trophy for the most promising competitor in the Intermediate Ballet Championship.
Garvie-Sanderson Junior and Senior Jazz Shields for the most outstanding jazz dancers
Ken Charker Junior and Senior Shields for the most outstanding tap dancers.
Sally Carr Junior and Senior Poetry Awards for the competitors showing the most promise and potential in Poetry.
Sharon Baker Junior Vocals Encouragement Award for the junior competitor, 12 years and under, showing the most promise and potential in vocals.
Wollongong Eisteddfod Junior and Senior Ballet Shields for the most outstanding ballet dancers.
6.0 BACKSTAGE AREA (including Dressing Rooms)
6.1 During solos, only competitors performing in the current session may access the backstage area and may be accompanied by ONE (1) parent or responsible adult.
No other persons are permitted to access this area unless authorised by the committee.
6.2 Dressing rooms are to be used for costume changes, and then vacated at the end of competitors’ sections. Competitors must not change outside of dressing rooms.
6.3 Dressing rooms are shared and are allocated by the committee for Troupe Weekend.
6.4 No responsibility is taken for personal items left in dressing rooms or venues.
6.5 NO photography or recording devices are to be used backstage or in dressing rooms.
7.0 BACKING MUSIC (Vocals and Dance)
7.1 All competitors MUST submit dance and vocals backing tracks electronically in the format of mp3 or similar files. The electronic lodgement is to be done via direct uploading to the STARDOM entry system. Providing backing music to the Eisteddfod by lodging electronically before the event commences is mandatory.
The cut off for electronic lodgement is seven (7) days prior to the commencement date of the first session of the relevant discipline thus enabling us to have files ready for each session for that discipline. No changes allowed after the cut off date.
7.2 All rules relating to copyright apply to backing music.
7.3 Compulsory information required for each track includes a dance description or song title (Track Name), a Composer Name (if applicable)/Film Name/Musical Theatre Show name, Optional comments but must include song classifications where required and whether performer starts On or Off stage. Further information the music uploading system can be found on our website.
7.4 There will be no facility to rip tracks from CD's for competitors at the event.
7.5 Only in exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangement where music cannot be lodged electronically prior to the event will a USB or other device be accepted. However, these devices must be handed in to the registration desk and NOT to the sound operator AT LEAST 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF ANY SESSION. No Music will be accepted after a section commences.
7.6 Vocal backing on any track is NOT permissible for Vocals, Ballet, Demi Character, or Song and Dance sections. No background tapping sounds are permitted on any backing track for tap sections.
7.7 As backing track duration times will be monitored in lieu of a timekeeper it is imperative that when recording any tracks that no lead in or trailing periods of silence is included in the recording.
7.8 The equipment for playing backing tracks will be provided and operated by people appointed by the Committee. No person, unless officially authorised, is to approach or sit with the sound operator.
8.1 Pointe shoes are only allowed in ballet sections where a competitor has reached an actual age of 12 years or more at the time of their performance.
8.2 Dialogue or lyrics in demi-character or ballet sections are not permitted.
9.1 Championships will generally not be held unless a minimum of six (6) entries is received. The committee however reserves the right to hold any championship.
9.2 Heats and finals may be necessary in Championships.
9.3 Restricted sections, duos, trios, groups and troupes are not qualifying sections for Championships.
9.4 Only One (1) item already performed during the Eisteddfod may be repeated in any Championship provided that the section requires two pieces of music, speech, songs or dance to be performed. An item may not then be repeated again in any scholarship.
9.5 Dance competitors must enter and perform in the following solo sections to qualify:
Ballet - a) Ballet and b) Contemporary or Demi-Character.
Lyrical/Contemporary/Jazz - a) Lyrical or Contemporary and b) Jazz/Broadway Jazz/Musical Theatre/Cabaret.
National Folk Dance - one (1) other national folk dance.
Song and Dance - one (1) other song and dance.
Tap - a) Slow tap or Waltz tap and b) Fast tap.
Championships (Continued)
9.6 In the general sections (music, speech & vocals) competitors must enter and perform in the following solo sections to qualify:Piano - two (2) other piano solo sections.
Speech and Drama - two (2) of the four specified sections.
Strings - two (2) other string solo sections with the same instrument.
Junior Classical Vocal - a) Classical Art Song and b) Sacred or Folk Song.
Musical Theatre - a) Musical Theatre and
b) Song From Films or Cabaret (age dependent)
Pop Vocal - (a) pop ballad and (b) pop up-tempo song.
Wind Instruments - two (2) other wind solo sections with the same instrument.
10.1 Conductors who sing or speak with choirs will cause their choir to be disqualified.
10.2 In the sections that require more than one song to be sung, choir members and the conductor must remain the same for both items.
10.3 Choirs must have ten (10) or more singers. Ensembles may have between four (4) and eleven (11) singers.
11.1 The Committee reserves the right to amend or refuse any entry or cancel any section for which insufficient entries have been received.
11.2 The Committee reserves the right to combine or divide any section for programme purposes, to alter the competition times if necessary and to amend the programme.
11.3 Failure to comply with any of the Rules and Conditions may involve disqualification and withholding of prizes. The decision of the Eisteddfod Committee in all questions and disputes arising out of, or not provided for in the Rules and Conditions, shall be final. All entries are received subject to this proviso and shall not be subject to any appeal at law.
12.1 Competitors must be ready to compete in the section and order in which their names appear in the programme. NO performing out of section will be permitted.
Competitors jeopardise their chances of performing by late arrival.
12.2 For instrumental sections, competitors must submit copies of Own Choice pieces for the adjudicator that is taken from licensed originals. Copies are to be handed in to the Registration Desk at least 15 minutes before the commencement of the section.
12.3 No competitor will be allowed to perform more than once in any Solo, Duet, Duo, Duologue or Trio (unless they play a different instrument in the General sections). However in regards to Choirs and Vocal groups, Instrumental ensembles and mini groups and Dance troupes and mini troupes, a performer may appear in the same section two (2) times if they appear with a different group.
Special consideration will be given by the Committee in cases where sections of different ages are combined into one.
12.4 No competitor over 10 years of age can repeat a performance after any type of breakdown. Competitors up to 10 years of age can do so only with the consent of the adjudicator. Competitors under the age of 10 years will only receive a report if they repeat their item after breakdown and will not be eligible for a placing.
12.5 Items may not be repeated in the same discipline. For example - the same routine or performance in the 10 years and under and the 12 years and under.
Competitors (Continued)
12.6 Competitors will not be transferred from one section to another if incorrectly entered in the Eisteddfod unless the error is the fault of the Committee.
12.7 Rehearsing on stage and anywhere in a Theatre complex during the Eisteddfod is not permissible. Rehearsing in dressing rooms is not permissible.
12.8 Competitors must leave the stage area immediately after the conclusion of their performance.
12.9 Make-up, costumes and choreography should be suitable to the age of all competitors.
13.1 Any offensive, racist, sexually suggestive or derogatory language, text, lyrics or movements will not be tolerated in any sections. If the content of a performance is deemed to be unsuitable in any way by the adjudicator and the committee, the performance will be stopped and the competitor disqualified.
If you are unsure, please work to a ‘G’ rating.
14.0 DRESS
14.1 Competitors must use the dressing rooms provided and not change in a theatre, passageways or toilets.
14.2 Dress for Scholarship classes;
Dance - Girls should wear a plain rehearsal leotard, have hair in a bun and have no adorning hair pieces or accessories.
Dance - Boys should wear a black or white T shirt or singlet and black tights or pants.
Speech & Vocals – all performers to wear theatre blacks.
14.3 Costumes, appearance, posture and demeanour are all important parts of a performance, and will all be taken into consideration by the adjudicator in both General and Dance sessions. It is incumbent on teachers to ensure that all competitors dress age appropriately.
15.1 All competitors MUST submit Speech and Drama text documents electronically as WORD (.docx) files however PDF or text files may be accepted. The electronic lodgement is to be done via direct uploading to the STARDOM entry system. Providing documents to the Eisteddfod by lodging electronically before the event commences is mandatory. The cut off for electronic lodgement is seven (7) days prior to the commencement date of the first session of the Speech and Drama discipline thus enabling us to have files ready for each session for that discipline. No changes allowed after the cut off date.
15.2 All rules relating to copyright apply to documents.
15.3 Compulsory information required for each file includes the Poem, Verse, Character, Reading name (Track Name), a Composer/Author Name (if applicable), Optional comments and whether performer starts On or Off stage. Further information the document uploading system can be found on our website.
15.3 There will be no facility to lodge electronically for competitors at the event.
15.4 Only in exceptional circumstances and by prior arrangement where documents cannot be lodged electronically prior to the event will a paper copy or USB or other device be accepted. However, these devices must be handed in to the registration desk AT LEAST 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF ANY SESSION. No documents will be accepted after a section commences.
15.5 The equipment for displaying documents will be provided and operated by people appointed by the Committee. No person, unless officially authorised, is to approach or sit with the operator.
16.1 The method of entering the Eisteddfod is via the STARDOM application by TrendLogic accessed online at:
All payments must be made by Debit/Credit Card through the secure STARDOM website. Entries are not finalised until payment is received and a receipt issued.
16.2 Entries must be submitted online as per Rule 16.1, but where that is not possible the discipline coordinator should be contacted for assistance, Entries will not be processed unless properly completed and accompanied by the full fees. Responsibility for correct entries rests with the competitor. Additions, changes or transfers may only be approved before programmes go to print but will incur a fee.
16.3 Late entries may, at the discretion of the committee, be accepted up to one week after closing for an additional fee of $30 per invoice. There will be no refunds of entry fees unless Rule 16.4 or Rule 27.1 applies.
16.4 If less than six (6) entries are received for any section (with the exception of Championship qualifying sections), competitors may, where possible, be transferred to another section. If the section is cancelled then the entry fee, excluding the administration fee, will be refunded.
16.5 District/Local entrants must have been residents of the City of Wollongong, City of Shellharbour or Municipality of Kiama for at least the previous nine (9) months.
17.1 The Eisteddfod Committee reserves the right to record, film, broadcast or telecast any item or section of the Eisteddfod.
17.2 The use of electronic devices including; tape recorders, video cameras, cameras, computers, tablets and mobile devices for photography or recording during a performance is prohibited where the committee provides professional recording services. At other times the committee will make a designated space available for one person to record a performance.
Non compliance will lead to exclusion from the venue.
17.3 All electronic devices should be turned off or be in silent mode whilst in the venues.
18.1 No responsibility will be accepted for errors and omissions in the Syllabus or Programmes
19.1 Any person or persons found to be intimidating any competitor, committee member, teacher or volunteer will be escorted from the venue and may be barred from further attendance at the Eisteddfod.
19.2 Loud yelling and barracking from the audience is regarded as intimidating. It will not be tolerated and may result in a competitor’s disqualification.
20.1 The competitor must supply for the adjudicator a photocopy taken from the original, provided that the original is used by the competitor for the performance and the Eisteddfod Committee destroys the copy immediately after adjudication. If the competitor is not performing from memory, an original publication or licensed photocopy must be used in the performance. This original can be borrowed from a library, friend or another competitor. Pop sections are exempt from this rule.
20.2 Once performed, pieces may not be repeated in other age categories (see Rule 12.5). One piece only may be performed in the time allotted, not several small ones, unless they are part of a suite.
21.1 Persons generally may not record or photograph a performance, unless they hold the appropriate licences and have written permission from all concerned. The exception to this rule is if rule 17.2 applies.
21.2 The Eisteddfod engages professional organisations to undertake all the official photography and videography services offered to performers at the event. It is essential that a parent or caregiver let the Committee know at time of registering for the performance if a child should not be photographed. Parents should also advise their studio in cases where children should not be filmed.
22.1 No cash payments will be made and all prizes will be paid electronically to the recipient's nominated bank account.
22.2 Prizes are awarded at the sole discretion of the adjudicator. After consultation with the Committee, a prize may be withheld if sufficient merit has not been displayed.
22.3 Perpetual trophies are retained by the Eisteddfod and are NOT to be taken out of the venue by any competitor. The names of perpetual trophy winners will be engraved on the relevant trophy.
23.1 A programme will be emailed to each entrant prior to the event. It is therefore essential that contact details in the STARDOM entry system are kept up to date.
23.2 Printed programme books, if ordered with and paid for when entries are submitted, will be posted.
23.3 Individual day programmes will be available at each venue. A Troupes Weekend programme will also be available at the IPAC.
23.4 There will be NO changes made once programmes have been printed.
24.1 Prompting, except by the adjudicator, is not permitted under any circumstances. Non compliance will result in the disqualification of a competitor.
25.1 The promotion or sale of any merchandise or other retail products is prohibited at the Eisteddfod unless authorised by the Committee.
26.0 PROPS
26.1 Props can only be used in Drama, Musical Theatre, Demi Character or Troupes sections. No props can be used for any other discipline. In Drama, a table and two chairs are the only props permitted and will be provided by the Eisteddfod. Assistance with these will be given by the Stage Manager. Any hand-held props e.g. Basket, scarf, doll etc. are permitted only if part of the routine and must be easily and quickly carried on stage in one movement by the competitor.
There are NO props from the audience allowed. e.g. bell.
26.2 No helium filled balloons, glitter, straw, glass of any kind, lighted candles, sparklers, lighted cigarettes or any naked flame will be permitted.
26.3 The use of house curtains in any venue will not be permitted.
27.1 Full refunds of entry fees are made only if a section is cancelled. Refunds will only be processed electronically to a competitor's nominated account.
28.1 Adjudicators reports are available free of charge and are to be collected after each section or session. No reports will be mailed.
29.1 Restricted sections are open only to those who have NOT won a FIRST PRIZE at ANY Eisteddfod in the discipline in which they have entered. If any competitor is in any doubt as to their eligibility to enter a particular section, they should contact the Committee for clarification.
30.1 Every care will be taken for the competitors’ safety, but the Committee will not be responsible for any injury sustained by any competitor during the Eisteddfod.
31.1 Any items already performed in championships may not be repeated in scholarships. Items not already performed in championships may be repeated in scholarships.
31.2 Winners of scholarships, including past winners, will be ineligible to compete again in that section for a period of two (2) Eisteddfod years.
31.3 To be eligible for the Bond and Davies Open Piano, Jan Baxter Memorial Strings and BlueScope WIN Wind Scholarships competitors must qualify by entering and appearing in nominated sections and championships. Competitors must then perform two contrasting works from different periods. If more than twelve (12) entries received, one work is performed and eight (8) finalists will be selected by the adjudicator to perform a second work. If there are twelve (12) entrants or less, two (2) works are to be played by each competitor.
31.4 To be eligible for the May Pusey Memorial Speech and Drama Scholarship competitors must qualify by entering and appearing in nominated sections and championships. All competitors will perform one (1) piece as defined in the syllabus in the first round and up to eight (8) finalists will be selected to perform a second piece. Entrants must also participate in the relevant mandatory Workshop/Masterclass conducted by the adjudicator.
31.5 To be eligible for the BlueScope WIN Pop and BlueScope WIN Musical Theatre Vocal Scholarships competitors must qualify by entering and appearing in nominated sections and championships. All competitors will perform one (1) song as defined in the syllabus in the first round and up to eight (8) finalists will be selected to perform a second song. Entrants must also participate in the relevant mandatory Workshop/Masterclass conducted by the adjudicator.
31.6 To be eligible for any of the three (3) BlueScope WIN Dance Scholarships competitors must qualify by entering and appearing in nominated sections and championships. All competitors will perform one (1) dance routine as defined in the syllabus for Ballet, Entertainment and Tap in the first round and up to eight (8) finalists will be selected to perform a second dance. Entrants must also participate in the relevant mandatory dance class conducted by the adjudicator.
32.1 Teachers and parents will not be allowed side stage during performances except one teacher per competitor in the 5 years and under Babies Dance. One teacher per troupe of 10 years and under will be permitted. See Rule 38.5.
32.2 Teachers are permitted on stage for instrumental accompaniment or conducting only.
32.3 Competitors must leave the stage area after their performance.
33.1 For the purpose of Troupes and Groups, the stage dimensions of the IMB stage at the IPAC are approximately 12m wide by 10m deep.
34.0 TAGS
34.1 Tags will not be permitted in solo performances. In Troupes the sound operator must be informed of a tag, which will be included in the time limit. Non-musical tags will be considered part of the routine and will be included in the time.
35.0 TAPS
35.1 Bare tap shoes must not be worn in any part of the IPAC theatre complex except on the stage. If tap shoes are worn then tap covers must be worn over the shoes.
36.1 Competitor ticket/security pass must be worn at all times during sessions where the competitor is performing at the Illawarra Performing Arts Centre (IPAC). The ticket allows performers to enter the backstage area. Only competitors performing in active sessions will be permitted to enter the backstage area. Competitor’s tickets are to be collected from the Eisteddfod office on the competitor’s first day of solos competition.
36.2 Door Entry Tickets: Access to all venues to view any solo performance is included in the competitor's entry fee. Performers are welcome to invite family and friends to watch but are reminded that numbers may be subject to public health orders and specific venue rules. The exceptions to free door entry are; Dance Troupe Weekend and Choirs and Instrumental Ensembles nights. Updates on ticketing will be added to our website and entrants need to check this as things can often change at short notice.
36.3 Lost Tickets: No responsibility taken for lost tickets. There will be no replacements.
37.1 Time Limits will be strictly monitored. Entrants whose performance exceeds the Time Limit will forfeit any placing and be eligible for comments only. The time is calculated from the opening word or first notes of music to the last word or note of music (not including announcements of titles).
37.2 In drama sections, timing will commence from the first action of the performance or freeze position upon entering the stage.
37.3 The interval between movements and pieces will not be timed.
37.4 The decision of the official timekeeper is final. There is no leeway with extra time.
38.1 Dancers may perform for a maximum number of two troupes in a section. All dancers must be ready to perform in programme order and when announced or they will be ineligible for a prize.
38.2 Unless six (6) or more entries are received in Troupe sections they may not be held.
38.3 Large Troupes must consist of ten (10) or more dancers. Mini Troupes must consist of between four (4) to eleven (11) dancers only.
38.4 Dressing room space is very limited and we ask for your cooperation in reducing this issue by having competitors’ hair and make-up prepared beforehand. Competitors must leave the dressing rooms on completion of the Troupe's performances.
38.5 One teacher per Troupe of 10 years and under will be permitted sidestage.
Two nominated parents and a senior teacher are only permitted in dressing rooms with each performing Troupe 12 years and under. No teachers are permitted sidestage.
One nominated parent and a senior teacher only are permitted in dressing rooms with each performing Troupe 13 years and over. No teachers are permitted sidestage. Wristbands will be issued to nominated parents and teachers at the registration desk and cannot be used as admission to the theatre during troupes’ weekend.
39.1 The Eisteddfod website address is
39.2 Online entries will be available via the Eisteddfod website.
39.3 The syllabus document will be placed on the website.
39.4 The index of dates and times of sessions and sections will be available prior to the commencement of the Eisteddfod and will be placed on the website. Competitors should review the index regularly and use it as a guide only.
39.5 The Eisteddfod may also add photographs, important notices and results to our web site and social media pages such as Facebook.
39.6 The Eisteddfod email address is: