79th Bathurst Eisteddfod
Music Scholarship
01 Aug 2024 to 03 Sep 2024
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
No rules available
001 Music Scholarship Solo     Junior 12 years and Under

Time Limit: 12:00

All competitors must compete in their age solo and one other solo section on the same instrument. One piece from earlier in the Eisteddfod may be repeated. Time limits will be strictly adhered to.

Sponsored by Barlow Property Services

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Perpetual Trophy + Replica + $250          2nd Trophy          3rd Trophy          HC Certificate          
002 Music Scholarship Solo     Senior 13-20 Years

Time Limit: 14:00

All competitors must compete in their age solo and one other solo section on the same instrument. One piece from earlier in the Eisteddfod may be repeated. Time limits will be strictly adhered to.

Sponsored by Accumen

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Perpetual Trophy + $500          2nd Trophy          3rd Trophy          HC Certificate          
2795 Local Instrumental/Vocal Scholarship Solo     Open Age

Time Limit: 14:00

Performers must reside within the 2795 locality (2799 and 2787). Competitors must perform in their own age group and one other solo section on the same instrument. Two contrasting pieces are to be performed. One piece from earlier in the Eisteddfod may be repeated .

Sponsored by Bathurst Arts Council

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Perpetual Trophy + $400          2nd Trophy          3rd Trophy          HC Certificate