The 44th Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod 2025
04 May 2025 to 10 May 2025
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule








DANCE:    Thursday 9th May 2024 – Wednesday 15th May 2024

  Sunday 12th May Group Day



SPEECH & DRAMA:     Thursday 16th May 2024 – Sunday 19th May 2024

JUNIOR is 12years & Under

SENIOR is 13 yrs & Over / OPEN





Each May Gulgong hosts the Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod. Gulgong is a New South Wales gold rush town which is located approximately 300km North West of Sydney and 30km from Mudgee.
Today Gulgong is a small town rich with history and with a population of around 2,500 people. It is a popular tourist destination which boasts a rich culture of music and annual community events like the Henry Lawson Festival and our own Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod.
The Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod was started by Gulgong Musical and Dramatic Society (MADS) in 1980. Gulgong MADS are an active performing group who work together to maintain the historical Prince of Wales Opera House located in Mayne Street Gulgong. 
Gulgong MADS developed the Eisteddfod as a suitable event to be held in their beautiful, historic Gulgong Prince of Wales Opera House.
Over the decades, The Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod has expanded and become an important cultural event for Gulgong and the Central West. The Eisteddfod has grown so much it is now held at two locations The Gulgong Prince of Wales Opera House and the Gulgong Memorial Hall.

The Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod is a subsidiary of Gulgong MADS. Our main aim is to raise funds for the continuing restoration of the Prince of Wales Opera House.

Known as the friendly Eisteddfod which kicks off the Eisteddfod season each year in our region, The Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod gives local children and those in our rural community an opportunity to showcase their talents in a range of creative arts.

Local schools and those across the Mid-Western Region also participate in a range of classes within the syllabus. On average, we have twelve schools participate in our Eisteddfod each year across dance, speech and music.
The Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod is run by a sub-committee with Gulgong MADS continued support. The Eisteddfod committee would like to thank Gulgong MADS for supporting this annual showcase of young talent.


Failure to comply with any of the following rules and conditions may involve disqualification and withholding of prizes. The decision of the Committee in all questions of dispute arising out of, or not provided for by, these Rules and Conditions shall be final.  All entries are received subject to this decision, which shall not be subject to any appeals by law, as such could be contrary to the spirit of friendly competition upon which the Eisteddfod is based.

Bad language and bad sportsmanship by entrants, their relatives or friends will not be tolerated, and offenders will be asked to leave the venue. Entrants related to or associated with offenders may be disqualified.

  1. Venue -  All of the Dance section will be held at the Memorial Hall, Herbert Street, Gulgong. All Speech & Drama will be held at the Opera House Mayne Street, Gulgong. GROUP SPEECH & DRAMA Memorial Hall, Herbert St, Gulgong
  2. Amateurs - All competitions are intended for amateurs only, except for those listed in the syllabus as being open to professionals as well. Where group classes are open to professionals, no more than 50% of the group may be professionals.  An amateur is one who does not, or has not, obtained his or her living by performing or teaching that branch which is subject to competition.
  3. Entries - Close on the closing dates and times listed. No entry will be accepted from any person who is or was, during the six months preceding the end of the Eisteddfod, taught or coached by the Adjudicator for that Section. A breach of this rule will result in disqualification. Entries are via The names of all competitors in duos and trios must be listed on the entry .
  4. Cancellations / Alterations - The Committee reserves the right to cancel a class if there are fewer than three entries or to combine it with the next age group.  Prize money in any class may be lowered or not awarded if there are fewer than 4 entries or if the standard of performance is not adequate. The number of places awarded in a class may also be reduced according to the number of entrants.  The Committee has the right to amend the program at any time, to appoint a substitute adjudicator, to divide or couple any class or award, and/or to alter competition times.
  5. Prizes - Senior prizes and all Championships will be awarded on the following scale: One to three entries in class                         1st prize

Four to five entries                 1st & 2nd prize  

Six or more entries     1st, 2nd & 3rd prize

Where classes are combined, the prizes given are those applicable for the class of the oldest contestant or highest grade. If one competitor is the sole competitor in a number of classes, a certificate may be the only prize awarded





  1. Entrants - Must make themselves available for the full session (morning, afternoon or night) to allow for any necessary changes. Entrants must be ready to perform at least 15 minutes before class entered is due to commence.  Entrants requiring costume changes between consecutive classes are exempt from this rule.
  2. Order of Competition - Competitors shall compete in the order in which their names appear on the official program, subject to any variation the Committee may deem necessary. In exceptional circumstances, out of class performance may be permitted, at the discretion of the convenor.
  3. Upon Arrival - ALL competitors (including those in improvisation) must report to the session clerk on arrival
  4. Age / Grade Limit - The competitor’s age or grade level is recognized as at the 1st MAY each year.  Date of birth/grade level (which is currently being studied) must be stated on the entry form where age/grade limits apply.  Where competitors of different ages compete in duets or groups, the age limit for entry to that class will be based on the age of the oldest competitor.  The Committee reserves the right to call upon any competitor or their teacher to furnish at the competitor’s own expense, proof of age, and to withhold any prizes until such proof has been obtained.
  5. Open - Means there is no age restriction, except where noted.
  6. Restricted - Dance: “Restricted” means not having won a first place in that dance style at any eisteddfod or dance festival up until the closing date of entries. A restricted dancer may only compete in a restricted section only. If a restricted dancer chooses to enter an open section, they forfeit the opportunity to dance in the restricted section for that class ie a restricted dancer can only dance in either open or restricted for a particular class not both.
  7. Adjudicators - The Adjudicators reserve the right to terminate a performance at any stage. The Adjudicator’s decision is final unless a protest is lodged under Rule 18, in which case the Committee’s decision is final.  The Adjudicator also reserves the right to vary the allocation of prizes within a class, or if a satisfactory standard is not reached, to reduce or withdraw prizes. No competitor, teacher, parent or relative of a competitor may approach the adjudicator. Any communication must be through the Session Convenor.
  8. Adjudicators’ Reports -These will be available free of charge after the final adjudication of each session and may be obtained from the session clerk. They will not be forwarded afterwards. Group reports to be collected by a teacher, not an entrant or parent without permission. Any Reports not collected at the end of the eisteddfod will be disposed of.
  9. Prompting - No prompting or assistance of any kind may be given to any competitor, except from the Adjudicator.  Special Needs groups are exempt. No teacher or parent shall be allowed on the stage area with a competitor. (Special Needs group exempt). Disregarding this rule will result in disqualification of the competitor.
  10. Rehearsals - Once a section has commenced, no rehearsals may be held in the Prince of Wales Opera House or the Memorial Hall. A rehearsal is defined as any form of conducted performance, or planned performance, or any part of performance that exceeds one minute.  
  11. Duplication of items - No competitor may compete more than once in any solo class. The exception is where the committee has combined two classes a particular competitor is in. No competitor may render the same item in more than one class, except where otherwise stated.
  12. Minimum Props - Only those props required to enhance the performance are permitted. These must be able to be carried on stage by the competitor without extra assistance. Props must not obstruct passageways and must be removed from the backstage area as soon as possible after the performance. Before the commencement of the session, stage manager must be advised of the props stored backstage.
  13. Protests - Any protests must be lodged verbally to the Session Convenor or the rostered Committee Member within ten minutes of the adjudicator’s decision.  A written explanation outlining the reasons for the protest must be submitted before the end of the Session, accompanied by a deposit of $20. The protest will be decided by an ad hoc Protest Committee of a minimum of three, comprising the Session Convenor and two or more Eisteddfod Committee members (whoever is willing or available at the time). Their decision will be final. Should the protest be upheld, the deposit will be refunded. Verbal grievances or complaints to individual committee members or eisteddfod workers are not in the spirit of Eisteddfod competition. They will not be tolerated and could lead to exclusion from any further participation in the Eisteddfod.
  14. Admission - Competitors will be admitted free to the hall only when they are actually competing during that session.
  15. Rules - Please read the rules carefully and check all entries as no alterations can be made once the program has been printed.  We recommend you keep a copy of your entry to verify the details are correct.
  16. Private Video Recording and Photography - It is the policy of the Gulgong Prince of Wales Eisteddfod Committee that there is no private still photography or image recording of any performance.
  17. Scholarships - The scholarship is awarded by the Adjudicator to a competitor who displays the ability to further their studies in their chosen field. Scholarship monies are intended for this purpose. Age limit for junior scholarship is 12 years and under, senior scholarship 13 years and over. Competitors must compete in at least three contrasting solo classes to be eligible.  A winner is ineligible to enter the same scholarship for the following year’s Eisteddfod.  A minimum of 8 entrants is required for Dance and Minimum 5 entrants for Speech/Drama before the Full Scholarship Amount will be awarded or a smaller Amount will be awarded at the Committee’s discretion.NO PERFORMANCE IS REQUIRED IN THIS CLASS. It is based on the competitor’s performance throughout their section eg Dance or Speech & Drama.
  18. Own Risk - All competitors perform at their own risk and the Gulgong Eisteddfod Committee is unable to accept any responsibility for performers, their equipment and/or personal belongings.
  19. Responsibility of Syllabus, Entry Form and Program - While every care is taken in compiling the syllabus, entry form and programs, the Committee will not be responsible for any omissions, alterations or errors that may occur.  The entrant is responsible for ensuring their entry form is correct.
  20. Acceptance of Rules & Conditions - All entries are received according to the conditions and rules of the Gulgong Eisteddfod Committee as stated above.   
  21. Copyright Requirements - The Law of Copyright applies to all sections of the Eisteddfod – Dance.  It is the responsibility of each competitor, teacher & school to adhere to the Act. Competitors are responsible for all royalty and copyright payments and liabilities (if any). Any music copied from copyright is the responsibility of the competitor and not the Eisteddfod.

Speech (Art of Speech and Drama) Section – Original poetry etc must be used for performance.  If out of print a licensed stamped copy may be used. The adjudicator is to be given an original or copy of the poem etc.  All unauthorised copies will be destroyed at the conclusion of the session.   

  1. Performance Etiquette - Good sportsmanship is expected from all competitors and audience at all times. There must be no applause, whistling, stamping of feet etc. before or during a performance. Applause and encouragement are to be reserved for the end of a performance.
  2. Requests to Move Classes – once the program has be released, classes CAN NOT be moved.

Adjudicators now have the power to stop a dance performance if the lyrics, dress or choreography are considered inappropriate, or dance practice is not safe.

The stage area will be covered with Tarkett dance floor.  No resin or glitter is permitted.

Professional dancers may only enter solo classes specified as open to professionals.

Dancers who have completed their secondary schooling (finished Year 12) and/or are 19 years and over are required to enter OPEN classes.

  1. Championships - To compete in a Championship the competitor must have danced in the following classes below for the style they wish to enter: Championship Dances are NOT A REPEATED PERFORMANCE they must have another dance to do this.
    Tap Championship - Tap Improvisation plus one other tap solo class
    (Tap Solo, Fast or Slow/Waltz Tap, Song & Dance Tap).
    Classical Championship - Classical Improvisation plus one other classical solo class (Classical, Demi-Character, National Character).
    Jazz Championship - Jazz Improvisation plus another Jazz Solo class.
    Modern/Contemporary Championship - Modern Improvisation or Contemporary Improvisation plus one other Modern or Contemporary solo class (Modern Solo, Contemporary Solo).
  2. Improvisations - All classes are to be danced in leotards and tights (stockings) only.  Music will be chosen by the Adjudicator. Demi-Character Improvisations are 1.5 minutes long. Other Improvisations 1 minute.
  3. Spraying and Resin - The spraying of shoes and the use of resin in the dressing rooms will lead to disqualification.  Please leave rooms tidy at all times.  No tap shoes to be worn in the hall unless covered.
  4. Time Limits - Competitors must comply with the times stated.

DANCE - Minimum time for a Solo: 1.5 minutes. Maximum time limits: Restricted Solos:  2.5 minutes; Unrestricted Solo: 3 minutes; Duo/Trio: 3 minutes; Groups: 5 minutes. Own Choreography Group Min 2.5 minutes - Max 5 minutes. In case of non-compliance, adjudication will be at the discretion of the adjudicator.


SPEECH – If Time Limit applies the following limits per age section unless otherwise stated

8 Years & Under – Max 2 mins      

9 - 12 Years – Max 3 mins        

13 Years & Over – Max 4 mins           



  1. No Accompanist - Competitors must upload their music .  A CD deck and operator will be provided by the Eisteddfod Committee if the uploaded music doesn’t work, it is always handy to have a copy of your music incase this happens. Competitors must bring music on CDS or USB or phone ( iphone the best to use ) if not uploaded by due date.Competitors must ensure their CDs are clear, audible and of a satisfactory standard for the Adjudicator. All CDs must be clearly marked with the competitor’s number and class number. National Character and Demi-Character must have the name of character written on the CD. No other person may approach, interfere with, or operate the official equipment used by the Eisteddfod Committee.  The Adjudicator reserves the right to downgrade or disqualify any competitor who does not comply with our rules and regulations.
  2. PROMPTING - This is NOT permitted, except in the Baby Dance and Special Needs classes. No teachers or parents to remain backstage or in the wings, except in the Baby Dance and Special Needs classes.
  3. Tags - There are to be no ‘tags’ on dance performances. At the completion of the item, dancers are to bow and exit the stage.
  4. Curtains - will remain open at all times.  Students are expected to know how to place themselves on stage.
  5. Re-runs - A ‘run-off’ will not be eligible for a placing or a prize, nor will a re-run (if allowed). The entrant may receive adjudications. This DOES NOT apply to 6 Years & Under Sections in DANCE ONLY
  6. Stockings - Stockings/tights are to be worn by all female dancers in all sections for solo and group performances. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification.


4 yrs Baby Dance
Class 001 Any Style Solo     4 yrs Baby Dance

Time Limit: 02:30

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
5 yrs Baby Dance
Class 002 Any Style Solo     5 yrs Baby Dance

Time Limit: 02:30

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
6 yrs Baby Dance
Class 003 Any Style Solo     6 yrs Baby Dance

Time Limit: 02:30

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
6 yrs & under
Class 004 Restricted Classical Ballet Solo     6 yrs & under

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. SOFT POINTE ONLY Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time limit 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Dispensary

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
7 & 8 yrs
Class 005 Restricted Classical Ballet Solo     7 & 8 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. SOFT POINTE ONLY Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time limit 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Kirk & Co GULGONG

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 006 Restricted Classical Ballet Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. SOFT POINTE ONLY Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time limit 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Timber & Hardware

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 007 Restricted Classical Ballet Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. SOFT POINTE ONLY Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time limit 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Mens Shed

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 yrs & over
Class 008 Restricted Classical Ballet Solo     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by AJ Ruming Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
6 yrs & under
Class 009 Restricted Demi-Character Solo     6 yrs & under

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Butchery

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
7 & 8 yrs
Class 010 Restricted Demi-Character Solo     7 & 8 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Bowling & Sporting Club

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 011 Restricted Demi-Character Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 012 Restricted Demi-Character Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Kirk & Co GULGONG

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
6 yrs & under
Class 013 Restricted Tap Dance Solo     6 yrs & under

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Timber & Hardware

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
7 & 8 yrs
Class 014 Restricted Tap Dance Solo     7 & 8 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 015 Restricted Tap Dance Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 016 Restricted Tap Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 yrs & over
Class 017 Restricted Tap Dance Solo     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes

Sponsored by Gulgong Bowling & Sporting Club

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
6 yrs & under
Class 018 Restricted Jazz Dance Solo     6 yrs & under

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
7 & 8 yrs
Class 019 Restricted Jazz Dance Solo     7 & 8 yrs

Time Limit: 02:00

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Timber & Hardware

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 020 Restricted Jazz Dance Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 021 Restricted Jazz Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 022 Restricted Jazz Dance Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Pearsons' Jewellers, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & over
Class 023 Restricted Jazz Dance Solo     15 yrs & over

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes maximum 2.5 minutes

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 024 Restricted Modern Expressive Dance Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 025 Restricted Modern Expressive Dance Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 026 Restricted Modern Expressive Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 027 Restricted Modern Expressive Dance Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Troy McKellar Real Estate

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & over
Class 028 Restricted Modern Expressive Dance Solo     15 yrs & over

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the previous two years until the closing date of entries. Minimum time limit 1.5 minutes, maximum time limit 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Print Storm MUDGEE

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 029 Restricted Song & Dance / Musical Comedy / Entertainment Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 030 Restricted Song & Dance / Musical Comedy / Entertainment Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & over
Class 031 Restricted Song & Dance / Musical Comedy / Entertainment Solo     15 yrs & over

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Lawrence Bennett Portelli Pty Ltd

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 032 Restricted Contemporary Dance Solo     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 033 Restricted Contemporary Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 yrs & over
Class 034 Restricted Contemporary Dance Solo     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 02:30

Competitor must not have won first place in this dance style at any Eisteddfod or Dance Festival in the two years up until the closing date of entries. Minimum time 1.5 minutes, maximum time 2.5 minutes.

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 035 Acro Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 yrs & over
Class 036 Acro Solo     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Timber & Hardware

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
6 yrs & under
Class 037 Classical Ballet Solo     6 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
7 & 8 yrs
Class 038 Classical Ballet Solo     7 & 8 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 039 Classical Ballet Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 040 Classical Ballet Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Hi Tech ITworX Mudgee

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 041 Classical Ballet Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Prince of Wales Hotel

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 042 Classical Ballet Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes.

Sponsored by Gulgong High School

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 043 Demi-Character Ballet Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Prudence Schwartz Academy of Dance, Wallerawang

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 044 Demi-Character Ballet Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 045 Demi-Character Ballet Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Pearsons' Jewellers, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 046 Demi-Character Ballet Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 047 Demi-Character Ballet Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 048 Own Choreography Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 yrs & over
Class 049 Own Choreography Solo     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 050 National Character Dance Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Lawrence Bennett Portelli Pty Ltd

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 yrs & over
Class 051 National Character Dance Solo     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 052 Tap Dance Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 053 Tap Dance Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 054 Tap Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong High School

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 055 Tap Dance Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Lawrence Bennett Portelli Pty Ltd

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 056 Tap Dance Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes

Sponsored by AJ Ruming Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 057 Slow or Waltz Tap Solo     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Timber & Hardware

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 058 Slow or Waltz Tap Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Troy McKellar Real Estate

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 059 Slow or Waltz Tap Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Hi Tech ITworX Mudgee

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 060 Slow or Waltz Tap Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes.

Sponsored by Lawrence Bennett Portelli Pty Ltd

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 061 Fast Tap Solo     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 062 Fast Tap Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 063 Fast Tap Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 064 Fast Tap Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes.

Sponsored by McGregor Real Estate

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 065 Jazz Dance Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Petas Kuts n Kurls, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 066 Jazz Dance Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Prince of Wales Hotel

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 067 Jazz Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 068 Jazz Dance Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 069 Jazz Dance Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes.

Sponsored by Print Storm MUDGEE

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 070 Song & Dance / Musical Comedy / Entertainment Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong High School

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 071 Song & Dance / Musical Comedy / Entertainment Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & over
Class 072 Song & Dance / Musical Comedy / Entertainment Solo     15 yrs & over

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by McGregor Real Estate

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 073 Modern Expressive Dance Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Print Storm MUDGEE

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 074 Modern Expressive Dance Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 075 Modern Expressive Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Troy McKellar Real Estate

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 076 Modern Expressive Dance Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by McGregor Real Estate

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 077 Modern Expressive Dance Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 078 Contemporary Dance Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Pearsons' Jewellers, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 079 Contemporary Dance Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Prince of Wales Hotel

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 080 Contemporary Dance Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Mens Shed

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 081 Contemporary Dance Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Pioneers Museum

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 082 Contemporary Dance Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Professionals may compete in Open Solo Classes.

Sponsored by Troy McKellar Real Estate

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 083 Hip Hop Solo     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 084 Hip Hop Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 085 Hip Hop Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Timber & Hardware

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & over
Class 086 Hip Hop Solo     15 yrs & over

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 087 Jazz or Tap Duo or Trio     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 088 Jazz or Tap Duo or Trio     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Print Storm MUDGEE

Entry: $10.001st Medals, Certificates          2nd Certificates          3rd Certificates          HC Certificates          
12 yrs & under
Class 089 Jazz or Tap Duo or Trio     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Pioneers Museum

Entry: $10.001st Medals, Certificates          2nd Certificates          3rd Certificates          HC Certificates          
15 yrs & under
Class 090 Jazz or Tap Duo or Trio     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Certificates + $30          2nd Certificates + $24          3rd Certificates + $18          HC Certificates          
Class 091 Jazz or Tap Duo or Trio     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored By Cobbs Bakery Cafe & Takeaway

Entry: $10.001st Certificates + $30          2nd Certificates + $24          3rd Certificates + $18          HC Certificates          
12 yrs & under
Class 092 Modern Expressive or Contemporary Dance Duo or Trio     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Medals, Certificates          2nd Certificates          3rd Certificates          HC Certificates          
15 yrs & under
Class 093 Modern Expressive or Contemporary Dance Duo or Trio     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Certificates + $24          2nd Certificates + $18          3rd Certificates + $12          HC Certificates          
Class 094 Modern Expressive or Contemporary Dance Duo or Trio     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Sponsored by Prince of Wales Hotel

Entry: $10.001st Certificates + $30          2nd Certificates + $24          3rd Certificates + $18          HC Certificates          
8 yrs & under
Class 095 Jazz Improvisation Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Bowling & Sporting Club

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 096 Jazz Improvisation Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 097 Jazz Improvisation Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Lawrence Bennett Portelli Pty Ltd

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 098 Jazz Improvisation Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 099 Jazz Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Bowling & Sporting Club

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 100 Classical Ballet Improvisation Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 01:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 101 Classical Ballet Improvisation Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 102 Classical Ballet Improvisation Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Gulgong Bowling & Sporting Club

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 103 Classical Ballet Improvisation Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 104 Classical Ballet Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Pioneers Museum

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 105 Tap Improvisation Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Pioneers Museum

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 106 Tap Improvisation Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 107 Tap Improvisation Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 108 Tap Improvisation Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Prince of Wales Hotel

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 109 Tap Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Pioneers Museum

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 110 Modern Expressive Dance Improvisation Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 111 Modern Expressive Dance Improvisation Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Pioneers Museum

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 112 Modern Expressive Dance Improvisation Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 113 Modern Expressive Dance Improvisation Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Petas Kuts n Kurls, Gulgong

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 114 Modern Expressive Dance Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 115 Contemporary Dance Improvisation Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Hi Tech ITworX Mudgee

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 116 Contemporary Dance Improvisation Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Bowling & Sporting Club

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 117 Contemporary Dance Improvisation Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 118 Contemporary Dance Improvisation Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 119 Contemporary Dance Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Mid-Western Regional Council

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 120 Demi-Character Ballet Improvisation Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 01:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 121 Demi-Character Ballet Improvisation Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 122 Demi-Character Ballet Improvisation Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Soft Pointe ONLY

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 123 Demi-Character Ballet Improvisation Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 124 Demi-Character Ballet Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 01:00

Sponsored by Hi Tech ITworX Mudgee

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 125 Hip Hop Improvisation Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 01:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
9 & 10 yrs
Class 126 Hip Hop Improvisation Solo     9 & 10 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
11 & 12 yrs
Class 127 Hip Hop Improvisation Solo     11 & 12 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 & 14 yrs
Class 128 Hip Hop Improvisation Solo     13 & 14 yrs

Time Limit: 01:00

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $15          2nd Certificate + $10          3rd Certificate + $5          HC Certificate          
Class 129 Hip Hop Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 01:00

Entry: $10.001st Certificate + $20          2nd Certificate + $15          3rd Certificate + $10          HC Certificate          
Any Age
Class 130 Special Needs Dance Solo     Any Age

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st Medal, Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 131 Classical Ballet/Neo Group     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes. SOFT POINT ONLY

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 132 Classical Ballet/Neo Group     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes. SOFT POINT ONLY

Sponsored by Gulgong Bowling & Sporting Club

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 133 Classical Ballet/Neo Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes. SOFT POINT ONLY

Sponsored by McGregor Real Estate

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & under
Class 134 Classical Ballet/Neo Group     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Guntawang Stud

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 135 Classical Ballet/Neo Group     Open

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 136 Tap Dance Group     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 137 Tap Dance Group     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Aussie Country Catering, Gulgong

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 138 Tap Dance Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Pioneers Museum

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & under
Class 139 Tap Dance Group     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn, Gulgong

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 140 Tap Dance Group     Open

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Prince of Wales Hotel

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
8 yrs & under
Class 141 Jazz Dance Group     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Stacks Down Under, Gulgong

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 142 Jazz Dance Group     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 143 Jazz Dance Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Prince of Wales Hotel

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & under
Class 144 Jazz Dance Group     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 145 Jazz Dance Group     Open

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Timber & Hardware

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 146 Modern Expressive Group     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 147 Modern Expressive Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Troy McKellar Real Estate

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & under
Class 148 Modern Expressive Group     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Lawrence Bennett Portelli Pty Ltd

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 149 Modern Expressive Group     Open

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Print Storm MUDGEE

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 150 Contemporary Dance Group     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Chamber of Commerce

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 151 Contemporary Dance Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & under
Class 152 Contemporary Dance Group     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong High School

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 153 Contemporary Dance Group     Open

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Goldfields Motor Inn

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 154 Entertainment / Musical Comedy / Song & Dance Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & under
Class 155 Entertainment / Musical Comedy / Song & Dance Group     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 156 Entertainment / Musical Comedy / Song & Dance Group     Open

Time Limit: 04:30

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Junior - 12 yrs & under
Class 157 Classical Ballet Championship Solo     Junior - 12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 06:00

See Rule 35. Two dances (3 minutes each): Classical Ballet (wearing classical tutu) followed by a demi-character. SOFT POINTE ONLY

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $40          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $30          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $20          
Senior - 13 yrs & over
Class 158 Classical Ballet Championship Solo     Senior - 13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 06:00

See Rule 35. Two dances (3 minutes each): Classical Ballet (wearing classical tutu) followed by a demi-character.

Sponsored by Mid-Western Regional Council

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $70          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $50          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $30          
Junior - 12 yrs & under
Class 159 Tap Dance Championship Solo     Junior - 12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

See Rule 35. Competitor to perform one tap dance. No routine already performed in this years Eisteddfod may be repeated. Must have danced in tap improvisation plus one other tap solo class.

Sponsored by Mid-Western Regional Council

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $40          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $30          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $20          
Senior - 13 yrs & over
Class 160 Tap Dance Championship Solo     Senior - 13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 06:00

See Rule 35. Two dances (3 minutes each): A slow / waltz tap followed by a fast tap dance.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $70          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $50          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $30          
Junior - 12 yrs & under
Class 161 Jazz Championship Solo     Junior - 12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

See Rule 35. No routine already performed in this years Eisteddfod may be repeated. Must have danced in Jazz Improvisation plus one other Jazz solo class.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $40          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $30          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $20          
Intermediate - 13 - 14 yrs
Class 162 Jazz Championship Solo     Intermediate - 13 - 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

See Rule 35. No routine already performed in this years Eisteddfod may be repeated. Must have danced in Jazz Improvisation plus one other Jazz solo class.

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $55          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $40          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $25          
Senior - 15 years & over
Class 163 Jazz Championship Solo     Senior - 15 years & over

Time Limit: 03:00

See Rule 35. No routine already performed in this years Eisteddfod may be repeated. Must have danced in Jazz Improvisation plus one other Jazz solo class.

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $70          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $50          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $30          
Junior - 12 yrs & under
Class 164 Modern / Contemporary Championship Solo     Junior - 12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

See Rule 35. No routine already performed in this years Eisteddfod may be repeated. Must have danced in Modern or Contemporary Improvisation plus one other Modern or Contemporary solo class.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $40          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $30          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $20          
Intermediate - 13 - 14 yrs
Class 165 Modern / Contemporary Championship Solo     Intermediate - 13 - 14 yrs

Time Limit: 03:00

See Rule 35. No routine already performed in this years Eisteddfod may be repeated. Must have danced in Modern or Contemporary Improvisation plus one other Modern or Contemporary solo class.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $55          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $40          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $25          
Senior - 15 years & over
Class 166 Modern / Contemporary Championship Solo     Senior - 15 years & over

Time Limit: 03:00

See Rule 35. No routine already performed in this years Eisteddfod may be repeated. Must have danced Modern or Contemporary Improvisation class plus one other Modern or Contemporary solo class.

Sponsored by Mid-Western Regional Council

Entry: $15.001st Perpetual Trophy, Certificate + $70          2nd Trophy, Certificate + $50          3rd Trophy, Certificate + $30          
Junior - 12 yrs & under
Class 167 Junior Dance Scholarship Solo     Junior - 12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 00:00

See Rule 25. Awarded by the Adjudicator, based on all performances during the Dance Section.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $20.001st $150          
Senior - 13 yrs & over
Class 168 Senior Dance Scholarship Solo     Senior - 13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 00:00

See Rule 25. Awarded by the Adjudicator, based on all performances during the Dance Section.

Sponsored by ACEN Australia - Stubbo Solar

Entry: $20.001st $300          
Class 169 Own Choreography Group     Open

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Gulgong Dispensary

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
10 yrs & under
Class 170 Hip Hop Group     10 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 171 Hip Hop Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
15 yrs & under
Class 172 Hip Hop Group     15 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 173 Hip Hop Group     Open

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
6 yrs & under
Class 174 Baby Dance Group     6 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

This category is open to dance troupes with dancers aged 6 years and under. The dance can be in any style. Maximum of two helpers are allowed on stage during performance. Helpers are to be under 18 years.

Sponsored by Gulgong Post Office

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
Class 175 School Dance Group     Open

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Sponsored by Hi Tech ITworX Mudgee

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
12 yrs & under
Class 176 Acro Group     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate          
13 yrs & over
Class 177 Acro Group     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 05:00

Amateurs only. Min of four dancers. Max 5 minutes.

Entry: $15.001st Certificate          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          HC Certificate