Convenor: Janet Carey
Mobile: 0412 623 404
Email: brass@adelaideeisteddfod.com.au
Date: Saturday 24th August 2024
Venue: Unley Park Baptist Church, Bellevue Place Unley Park
Mr Timothy Frahn
$15 General Admission
$10 Concession
(including Pensioners, Seniors & Students and Teachers of Competitors performing that day)
$5 Children 5 to 15 years
2024 Adelaide Eisteddfod Members free of charge
Entries and Fees
All entries are to be made and paid on-line via www.stardom.com.au using the Stardom payment system.
No late entries/late entry fees will be accepted.
Entries strictly close Friday 12th April 2023, 11:59 pm Adelaide Time.
Each competitor pays a fee per section entered, as printed on the computer-generated invoice, plus a single administration fee appearing on the invoice after all required sections have been entered.
Payment may be made safely on-line.
Competitors, teachers and parents are advised to read the 2024 Rules and Conditions of Competition carefully.
Other information
Competitors are asked to enter the repertoire they are performing including the title of each piece and the composer directly into Stardom at least 7 days prior to the competition as stated in Rule 22 in the General Rules.
This speeds up the booking in process on the day and reduces the potential for errors.
NOTE: Competitors may enter the same section on more than one brass instrument.
NOTE: Other opportunities for brass players are available in the Adelaide Eisteddfod Concerto and the Wind and Brass Recital.
The Standish Roberts Brass Medallion may be presented to a brass player "for excellence in performance" at the Special Awards Concert held at the end of the competition season.