1. The Adjudicator’s decision will be final.
2. Online entries are now the preferred mode of entry.
3. No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by the full entry fee and Scholarship Resume uploaded to STARDOM. The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry. No refund will be made for any entry fee paid unless the section is cancelled. Competitors are advised to check their Invoice on receipt of entry. No changes can be made once the programme has been printed.
4. Protests, accompanied by a $50 fee, must be lodged in writing, setting out fully the circumstances of the protest with the Office within 30 minutes of the Adjudicator’s decision being announced.
5. Competitors must be ready to take their place on the stage in the order in the programme (unless otherwise required under Rule 9). Failure to comply could lead to disqualification.
6. In all sections (including groups) subject to an age limit, the age of the competitor (groups as per age of the oldest competitor) will be taken as at the May 1 of the year of the Eisteddfod. The Committee reserves the right to call up any competitor at any time to furnish, at his/her own expense, a birth certificate (or copy) and can, at its discretion, withhold any prize monies until such certificate is furnished.
7. In Duo and Trio sections, competitors must provide, the name & birth date of each competitor at the time of entry. No changes can be made once the programme has been printed.
8. No cameras, video cameras, audio recorders or mobile phone cameras are to be used in the auditorium during any session due to the Privacy Act. Please switch off all mobile phones in the auditorium.
9. The Committee reserves the right to amend the programme at any time.
10. No teacher will be allowed on stage with a competitor (except in the Special Needs and Early Childhood Sections) unless as an accompanist or conductor. This rule will be strictly enforced.
11. Prompting, except by the Adjudicator, will not be permitted in any section (except the Special Needs Sections).
12. The Committee reserves the right to arrange for adjudication by any person, at any time, whether or not that person has been named or appointed as adjudicator. Officials of the Committee ONLY may approach the adjudicator. Failure to comply could lead to disqualification of the competitor.
13. The Committee invests the adjudicator with the power to withhold any prize where he/she is of the opinion that insufficient merit has been displayed.
14. A bell will be rung at the end of the time limit and competitors must leave the stage within 5 seconds. Time limits are to be strictly adhered to. Disqualification, or not, will be at the discretion the Adjudicator.
15. The competitor must not have been a pupil of the adjudicator in the six months prior to the Eisteddfod.
16. NO REHEARSALS are allowed on stage during the Eisteddfod.
17. Entry fees include a written adjudicator’s report in all sections, (except scholarships and improvisations) which can be collected from the office 15min after the end of the section. Prizes and adjudicators reports in the Group Dance sections may be collected at the end of each session.
18. Musical accompaniments are not allowed in Speech & Drama except Special Needs Sections.
19. Prizes will be awarded on the following scale (unless stated otherwise):
3 entries – 1st prize only; 5 entries – 2nd prize; 8 or more entries – 3rd prize.
Solo Sections of 20 or more entries and Group Sections of 16 or more entries may be split, at the discretion of the committee. NB. 14 years & Under and Open Age Improvisations will not be split. Only 2 entries per studio in the Group Dancing Sections.
20. a) It is essential that there be a minimum of 3 entries in all solo sections including Scholarships and Championships (excluding Special Needs and 8 years & under sections), otherwise competitors may be placed in another suitable section or the section cancelled.
b) Each duo pairing in Dance Sections will be limited to 2 entries per age section.
c) Each solo entrant in all entries will be limited to 1 entry per age section.
d) Only 2 entries per studio in the Group Dancing Sections.
21. a) Speech & Drama - Own choice pieces, (except prepared speech) need to be handed in on the day of competition, clearly marked with Section & Competitor number. If a Speech & Drama item is not printed, it must be typewritten and properly punctuated.
b) Dance - Music tracks in their final form (edited, if applicable, and ready to use on stage/adjudicators copy including fade in/fade out) must be uploaded to STARDOM by the designated cut-off date. Failure to upload before the designated date, may result in disqualification.
c) Vocal & Instrumental - Pieces need to be handed in on the day of competition, clearly marked with Section and Competitor number.
22. COPYRIGHT: The law of Copyright applies to the Eisteddfod. It is the responsibility of each competitor to adhere to the Act.
a) Original music, poetry, etc., must be used for performance. If out of print, or in the case of re-arranged or transposed music, a licensed stamped copy may be used.
b) Copies of music, poetry, etc., will be accepted for the adjudicator (must be marked ‘adjudicator’s copy’). In the case of the accompanist, copies may be used for easier turning but original music must also be brought on stage.
c) All non-licensed copies will be destroyed after the performance.
d) All Dancing competitors must sign the warranty on the Entry Form.
e) Pre-recorded accompaniment must comply with copyright law.
f) If in doubt, please refer to AMCOS, Pte Box 2135, NORTH SYDNEY 2059.
g) Cowra Eisteddfod Inc. programmes are covered by copyright and cannot be reproduced without permission of the Committee.
23. The Committee provides competent official accompanists for the Vocal, Choirs, Band and Instrumental Sections, but if desired, the competitor may provide his/her own accompanist for the vocal or instrumental sections. The adjudicator may take into consideration of the performance, any action or failure of conduct, by any accompanist not provided by the Committee.
24. If using the official accompanists (see page 3), contact must be made and music MUST be forwarded to the accompanist at least 7 DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT of the Eisteddfod. Only music or manuscripts, which are LEGIBLE, will be accepted. Failure to comply can render disqualification.
25. When using music tracks with lyrics in dance performances, lyrics must not contain inappropriate language or themes. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in penalty at the discretion of the adjudicator and committee.
26. Competitors competing in more than one age group or section must not repeat the same routine or item.
27. Competitors entering in championships must not repeat the same routines or items used for age/open sections, unless otherwise stated.
28. Prizewinners in the ARIA, SCHOLARSHIPS and other MAJOR sections MUST be prepared to appear in the GRAND CONCERT, if requested by the Committee. The Committee, at its discretion, can withhold prizemoney for non-compliance of this rule.
29. RESTRICTED means not having won a first prize solo or championship in that particular category regardless of age, at any eisteddfod or competition up until the closing date of entries.
30. Competitors are permitted to enter EITHER Restricted OR Non-Restricted, but NOT BOTH, in that particular category, eg. piano, recorder, etc., regardless of age group.
31. Competitors entering all CHAMPIONSHIPS, ARIAS AND / OR SCHOLARSHIPS must also enter and COMPETE in 2 other SOLO SECTIONS of the same type.
32. All prizewinners of Championships are to be presented with their prize on stage in costume.
33. For a pointscore trophy, points will be awarded on an 8 for 1st; 5 for 2nd; 3 for 3rd; and 1 for HC basis for age groups only.
34. All care will be taken in compiling the syllabus and the programme, and the Committee reserves the right to rectify any errors or omissions that may appear in prizemoney or items.
35. A Yamaha C3E Grand Piano and a Yamaha U3AS upright piano are the instruments provided by the Cowra Council. Contact Council to make an appointment if wishing to see or practise on these instruments before commencement of the Eisteddfod.
36. All electrical items brought into the hall must have been inspected for safety and tagged in the previous twelve months.
37. Stockings/Tights must be worn in all Dance Performances except school groups. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in disqualification.