Kempsey Eisteddfod 2024 [since 1905]
Instrumental Section
23 Jun 2024 to 27 Jun 2024
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule


Vocal & Instrumental Eisteddfod Rules


  1. In these rules, the word “Committee” shall mean the Vocal and Instrumental Sub Committee of the Kempsey Eisteddfod Society Inc.
  2. Competitors, teachers and parents must be conversant with all rules. The plea of lack of knowledge will not be accepted as a bona – fide reason for the infringement of any rule. It will be assumed by the society that ALL entrants agree to the rules.
  3. Protest arising out of, or not provided for in these rules, shall be lodged with the committee, in writing, immediately after the completion of the session in which the protest is entered. The protest must be accompanied by a deposit of $20.00 which shall be forfeited if the protest is deemed unfounded.
  4. The committee has the right to:

a) Amend or refuse any entry.  

  b) Divide sections where there are 12 or more entries.

  c) Amend the program at any time

d) Alter or reduce the available prizes as published.  

e) Cancel or combine events which have insufficient entries.  

f) To appoint a new adjudicator should it be deemed necessary.

  1. The Adjudicator has the right to:
    1. Reduce or withdraw prizes if a satisfactory standard is not reached.
    2. Subject to committee approval, increase the number of prizes awarded in any section.
    3. Terminate a performance at any time. Such does not necessarily mean disqualification or disapproval. Time limits will be strictly observed.

The adjudicator’s decision is final.

  1. Public notice of any changes to the programme will be advertised at least 14 days prior to the commencement of the eisteddfod via Facebook and the official website. Checking for these changes will be the sole responsibility of competitors, parents and teachers.  
  2. First and second prizes will be awarded in sections where there are no less than four (4) competitors and Third prize where there are no less than seven (7) competitors. In all sections 10 years and under First, Second and Third prizes will be awarded regardless of competitor numbers. First Place trophies may be awarded in any section at the Adjudicator's discretion.
  3. OPEN AND CHAMPIONSHIPS sections with LESS THAN THREE (3) competitors may be performed for adjudication only, depending upon adjudicator discretion, in which case the prize WILL be awarded.
  4. The definition of “amateur” for the purpose of competing in the Kempsey Eisteddfod shall be one whose major income is not derived from the teaching or the exercising of his/her musical talents, excluding student teachers. Such professionals shall not be eligible to enter any section of the eisteddfod with the exception of Open Band and Open Choir sections.
  5. All school choir members must be pupils of the same school except in the open sections. The Principals may be required to certify as to the bona fide of each choir member. The competitor’s age shall be calculated at the opening date of the vocal and instrumental Eisteddfod.
  6. All competitors must compete in their own age sections and not outside their own age group, unless specifically indicated in the schedule as open to all ages (unrestricted).

a) Competitors must compete in at least 2 other sections on their chosen instrument

to be eligible to enter a Championship.

b) Championship age restrictions must be observed.

JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP 12 years & under


SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP 16 years and over.  

  1. Unless otherwise stated, entries in the Open Solo Section will only be accepted from competitors, 15 years and over. In open Duet and Trio Sections one competitor must be over 15. All names and dates of birth must appear on the entry form.
  2. Novice sections are open to any competitor who has less than 18 months tuition as at the opening date of the Eisteddfod.
  3. No competitor shall render the same item in more than one section of the current Kempsey Eisteddfod. Competitors who have been taught, coached or advised (excluding workshops), by an adjudicator of any section of the present Eisteddfod during the 3 months preceding the opening date of the Eisteddfod shall not be eligible to compete in that section, and in doing so will be disqualified.
  4. Competitors must be punctual for their sections and report to the Secretary’s office upon their arrival. Competitors shall compete in the order in which their names appear in the official program, unless otherwise directed by the organising secretary and, if no present when called upon, shall render themselves liable to disqualification.
  5. Please do not ask to change dates and/or times of competitions. Once the official program is printed NO CHANGES TO TIMES will be allowed. Any special requests must be submitted in writing at time of entry; however, no guarantees can be given that such requests can be met.
  6. Should the Committee be convinced that a competitor has been entered in the wrong section by error the Committee reserves the right to transfer that entry to the correct section.
  7. Competitors, teachers and parents MUST NOT APPROACH THE ADJUDICATOR during sessions. Breach of this rule may bring disqualification.
  8. NO PROMPTING is allowed, except by the Adjudicator.
  9. Recording or Video equipment may not be used during any section of the Kempsey Eisteddfod without the permission of the Kempsey Eisteddfod Society Inc. This is in compliance with Australian Copyright and Privacy Laws.
  10. Please ensure that the content of all performances is appropriate for all audience age groups and is respectful to the venue in which the Eisteddfod is held. Offensive or blasphemous language and some adult themes are deemed inappropriate and will result in the item being terminated and competitors disqualified.
  11. Rehearsals or practice on stage is not permitted for any section once the Eisteddfod has commenced. Brief sound checks are permitted.
  12. All children under 16 must be accompanied by a supervising adult in the Eisteddfod hall. All accompanying adults must pay the admittance fee.
  13. Teachers accompanying school groups and accompanists are exempt from this fee. Competitors may enter for free only on the session of their performance.
  14. The accompanying teacher/s is responsible for their pupil’s behaviour whilst waiting to perform. Competitors are required to await their turn to perform quietly and with respect for other performers.
  15. Originals must be used in performance except for copies made to facilitate page turns. Authorised internet purchases are allowed.
  16. A photocopy must be handed in for Adjudication purposes at least 3 SECTIONS prior to performances. This copy must have the SECTION and COMPETITOR NUMBER CLEARLY MARKED IN THE TOP LEFT HAND CORNER. Responsibility lies with the competitor to comply with Copyright Laws. All photocopies will be destroyed at the end of the Competition.
  17. Competition marks may be awarded of quality of choice and stage presentation. It is in the competitors own interest that they pay special attention to their dress and presentation when appearing in Competitions. These constitute part of the performance and may be taken into consideration by the Adjudicator.
  18. CD accompaniment is allowed only in sections so described in the Syllabus. Supporting vocals are not allowed in Vocal Sections. Some newer backing CD’s have fragments of added harmony which is deemed acceptable. Lead cues may be used for 10 years and under Instrumental Sections only. Live accompaniment is required for all other sections. This is deemed to mean PIANO unless otherwise stated.
  19. All pieces performed should be chosen from the Classical repertoire unless otherwise stated. The Quality and suitability of the selection will be taken into account.
  20. Competitors should make their own arrangements with their chosen accompanist immediately upon receipt of the Eisteddfod program.  Please contact Kempsey Eisteddfod Society via email if you require the services of an Accompanist. A fee for rehearsals and competition must be paid directly to the Accompanists. Official Accompanists reserve the right to refuse if given insufficient notice.

The Competition Secretary must receive entries no later than the closing date. Such entries are to be lodged at all details are to be completed, with the exception of date of birth for Open Competitors. No entries will be accepted unless accompanied by full fees.  

      32. All Competitors taking part in the Kempsey Eisteddfod do so at their own risk.


By participating in the Kempsey Eisteddfod, you are agreeing to give the Kempsey Eisteddfod Society absolute discretion in the use and publication of photographs or videos taken during any event held by the Kempsey Eisteddfod Society. To ensure the privacy of individuals, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without approval from the individual, or their parent or guardian.

The Kempsey Eisteddfod Society reserves the right to decide whether a particular person has a right to take photos or videos on performance premises or at any Eisteddfod related activity, event, or function.

Any individual, parent, or guardian who does not consent to the Kempsey Eisteddfod Society having absolute discretion in the use or publication of photographs or videos must convey their wishes to  the President of the Society, in writing, prior to the commencement of the event.

The Kempsey Eisteddfod Society will take all reasonably practicable steps to ensure any wishes conveyed in writing are observed.

M080 Pianoforte Solo     6 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M081 Pianoforte Solo     7 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M082 Pianoforte Solo     8 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M083 Pianoforte - Light Entertainment including themes and jazz Solo     8 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M084 Pianoforte Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice from the Classical or Baroque Periods.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M085 Pianoforte - Romantic, 20th or 21st Century Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice excluding popular, theme or jazz

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M086 Pianoforte - Light Entertainment Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M087Novice Pianoforte Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

One who has been playing for or received less than 18 months tuition at the opening of the Eisteddfod.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M088 Pianoforte Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice excluding popular, theme or jazz

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M089 Pianoforte - Romantic, 20th or 21st Century Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M090 Pianoforte - Light Entertainment Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M091Novice Pianoforte Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

One who has been playing or received less than 18 months tuition at the opening of the Eisteddfod.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M092 Pianoforte Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M093 Pianoforte - Baroque Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M094 Pianoforte - Australian or N.Z. Composer Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M095 Pianoforte - Romantic, 20th or 21st Century Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M096 Pianoforte - Light Entertainment Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M097Novice Pianoforte Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

One who has been playing or received less than 18 months tuition at the opening of the Eisteddfod.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M098 Pianoforte Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M099 Pianoforte - Baroque Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M100 Pianoforte - Australian or N.Z. Composer Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M101 Pianoforte - 20th & 21st Century Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M102 Pianoforte - Light Entertainment Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M103Novice Pianoforte Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

One who has been playing for or received less than 18 months tuition at the opening of the Eisteddfod.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M104 Pianoforte Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice,excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M105 Pianoforte - Baroque Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M106 Pianoforte - Australian or N.Z. Composer Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M107 Pianoforte - 20th & 21st Century Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M108 Pianoforte - Light Entertainment Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M109 Pianoforte - HSC Programme Work Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M110Novice Pianoforte Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

One who has been playing for or received less than 18 months tuition at the opening of the Eisteddfod.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M111At least grade 6. Guillaume Challenge Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

A Romantic or Expressionist solo excluding Schubert.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M112 Pianoforte Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M113 Pianoforte - Baroque Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M114 Pianoforte - Australian or N.Z. Composer Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M115 Pianoforte - 20th & 21st Century Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M116 Pianoforte - Light Entertainment Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M117Novice Pianoforte Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

One who has been playing for or received less than 18 months tuition at the opening of the Eisteddfod.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M118Preliminary Grade Graded Piano Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

This section is for all performers who have or are intending on learning examination pieces set for either the AMEB Piano, AMEB Piano for Leisure, Trinity, and Suzuki, Yamaha or similar grade systems. There are no age restrictions for this section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M119Grade 1 Graded Piano Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

This section is for all performers who have or are intending on learning examination pieces set for either the AMEB Piano, AMEB Piano for Leisure, Trinity, and Suzuki, Yamaha or similar grade systems. There are no age restrictions for this section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M120Grade 2 Graded Piano Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

This section is for all performers who have or are intending on learning examination pieces set for either the AMEB Piano, AMEB Piano for Leisure, Trinity, and Suzuki, Yamaha or similar grade systems. There are no age restrictions for this section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M121Grade 3 Graded Piano Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

This section is for all performers who have or are intending on learning examination pieces set for either the AMEB Piano, AMEB Piano for Leisure, Trinity, and Suzuki, Yamaha or similar grade systems. There are no age restrictions for this section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M122Grade 4 Graded Piano Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

This section is for all performers who have or are intending on learning examination pieces set for either the AMEB Piano, AMEB Piano for Leisure, Trinity, and Suzuki, Yamaha or similar grade systems. There are no age restrictions for this section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M123 Pianoforte Duet     Primary School Age

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M124 Pianoforte Duet     Secondary School Age

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M125 Pianoforte Duet     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M126 Instrumental (Unaccompanied) Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M127 Instrumental (Accompanied) Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M128 Instrumental - Theme from Stage, Film or TV Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M129 Instrumental - Jazz Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M130 Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M131 NUVO Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

NUVO Instrumental solos excluding piano and traditional woodwind, brass and stringed instruments. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M132 Instrumental (Unaccompanied) Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M133 Instrumental (Accompanied) Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M134 Instrumental - Theme from Stage, Film or TV Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M135 Instrumental - Jazz Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M136 Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M137 NUVO Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

NUVO Instrumental solos excluding piano and traditional woodwind, brass and stringed instruments. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M138 Instrumental (Unaccompanied) Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M139 Instrumental (Accompanied) Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M140 Instrumental - Theme from Stage, Film or TV Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M141 Instrumental - Jazz Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M142 Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M143 NUVO Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

NUVO Instrumental solos excluding piano and traditional woodwind, brass and stringed instruments. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M144 Instrumental (Unaccompanied) Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M145 Instrumental (Accompanied) Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M146 Instrumental - Theme from Stage, Film or TV Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M147 Instrumental - Jazz Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M148 Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M149 NUVO Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

NUVO Instrumental solos excluding piano and traditional woodwind, brass and stringed instruments. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M150 Instrumental (Unaccompanied) Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M151 Instrumental (Accompanied) Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M152 Instrumental - Theme from Stage, Film or TV Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M153 Instrumental - Jazz Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M154 Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M155 NUVO Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

NUVO Instrumental solos excluding piano and traditional woodwind, brass and stringed instruments. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M156 Instrumental (Unaccompanied) Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M157 Instrumental (Accompanied) Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos inlcuding but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, excluding popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M158 Instrumental - Theme from Stage, Film or TV Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M159 Instrumental - Jazz Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwing and strings but excluding pianoforte. CD Accompaniment allowed.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M160 Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M161 NUVO Instrumental - Light Entertainment Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

NUVO Instrumental solos excluding piano and traditional woodwind, brass and stringed instruments. Own choice, including popular, theme or jazz.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M162 Instrumental - HSC Music Programme Work Solo     Secondary School Age

Time Limit: 00:00

Instrumental solos including but not exclusively brass, woodwind and strings but excluding pianoforte.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M163 Electronic Keyboard Solo     8 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Pieces to be performed on an electronic keyboard using L.H. chords and rhythms where appropriate. Some keyboards are supplied and set up on stage. Competitors wishing to use their own keyboard will need to set up in the time allocate before the sections b

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M164 Electronic Keyboard Solo     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Pieces to be performed on an electronic keyboard using L.H. chords and rhythms where appropriate. Some keyboards are supplied and set up on stage. Competitors wishing to use their own keyboard will need to set up in the time allocate before the sections b

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M165 Electronic Keyboard Solo     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Pieces to be performed on an electronic keyboard using L.H. chords and rhythms where appropriate. Some keyboards are supplied and set up on stage. Competitors wishing to use their own keyboard will need to set up in the time allocate before the sections b

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M166 Electronic Keyboard Solo     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Pieces to be performed on an electronic keyboard using L.H. chords and rhythms where appropriate. Some keyboards are supplied and set up on stage. Competitors wishing to use their own keyboard will need to set up in the time allocate before the sections b

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M167 Electronic Keyboard Solo     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Pieces to be performed on an electronic keyboard using L.H. chords and rhythms where appropriate. Some keyboards are supplied and set up on stage. Competitors wishing to use their own keyboard will need to set up in the time allocate before the sections b

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M168 Electronic Keyboard Solo     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Pieces to be performed on an electronic keyboard using L.H. chords and rhythms where appropriate. Some keyboards are supplied and set up on stage. Competitors wishing to use their own keyboard will need to set up in the time allocate before the sections b

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M169 Electronic Keyboard Solo     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Pieces to be performed on an electronic keyboard using L.H. chords and rhythms where appropriate. Some keyboards are supplied and set up on stage. Competitors wishing to use their own keyboard will need to set up in the time allocate before the sections b

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M170 Instrumental Duet     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M171 Instrumental Duet     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M172 Instrumental Duet     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M173 Instrumental Duet     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M174 Instrumental Duet     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M175 Instrumental Duet     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M176 NUVO Instrumental Duet or Trio     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of NUVO instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M177 NUVO Instrumental Duet or Trio     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of NUVO instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M178 NUVO Instrumental Duet or Trio     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of NUVO instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M179 NUVO Instrumental Duet or Trio     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of NUVO instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M180 NUVO Instrumental Duet or Trio     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of NUVO instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M181 NUVO Instrumental Duet or Trio     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M182 Instrumental Trio or Quartet     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M183 Instrumental Trio or Quartet     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M184 Instrumental Trio or Quartet     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M185 Instrumental Trio or Quartet     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.00
M186 Instrumental Trio or Quartet     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M187 Instrumental Trio or Quartet     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Any combination of instruments. May include unadjudicated piano accompaniment. All competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M188 Instrumentalist & Accompanist Duet     10 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Accompaniments may be performed on any instrument. Both competitors are judged. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M189 Instrumentalist & Accompanist Duet     12 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Accompaniments may be performed on any instrument. Both competitors are judged. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M190 Instrumentalist & Accompanist Duet     14 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Accompaniments may be performed on any instrument. Both competitors are judged. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M191 Instrumentalist & Accompanist Duet     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Accompaniments may be performed on any instrument. Both competitors are judged. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M192 Instrumentalist & Accompanist Duet     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 00:00

Accompaniments may be performed on any instrument. Both competitors are judged. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M193 Instrumental & Accompanist Duet     Open

Time Limit: 00:00

Accompaniments may be performed on any instrument. Both competitors are judged. Both competitors must be within the age limit and enter in the section of the oldest competitor.

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M194 Instrumental Small Group     Small Infants (Kinder, Year 1, and 2)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M195 Instrumental Small Group     Small Primary (Year 3 - 6)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M196 Instrumental Small Group     Small Secondary (Years 7-12)

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M197 Instrumental Small Group     Small Open

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M198 Instrumental Small Group     Large Infants (Kinder Years 1 and 2)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M199 Instrumental Small Group     Large Primary (Years 3-6)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M200 Instrumental Small Group     Large Secondary (7-12)

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M201 Instrumental Small Group     Large Open

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Max. 9 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M202 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Small Infants (Kinder, Year 1, and 2)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M203 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Small Primary (Year 3 - 6)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within th

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M204 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Small Secondary (Years 7-12)

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M205 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Small Open

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within th

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M206 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Large Infants (Kinder Years 1 and 2)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M207 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Large Primary (Years 3-6)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within th

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M208 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Large Secondary (7-12)

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M209 NUVO Instrumental Large Group     Large Open

Time Limit: 10:00

2 Pieces. Min. 10 players. Any combination of NUVO instruments, may incude vocalists. Infant and Primary Sections may play in unison Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within th

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M210 Band Small Group     Primary (Years K-6)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 pieces. Max. 9 players. May include school, rock and jazz bands. May include volcalists. Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age limit of the section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M211 Band Small Group     Secondary (Years 7-12)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 pieces. Max. 9 players. May include school, rock and jazz bands. May include volcalists. Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age limit of the section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M212 Band Small Group     Open

Time Limit: 10:00

See rule 9. 2 pieces. Max. 9 players. May include school, rock and jazz bands. May include volcalists. Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age limit of the section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M213 Band Large Group     Primary (K-6)

Time Limit: 07:00

2 pieces. Min. 10 players. May include school, rock and jazz bands. May include volcalists. Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age limit of the section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
M214 Band Large Group     Secondary (Years 7-12)

Time Limit: 10:00

2 pieces. Min. 10 players. May include school, rock and jazz bands. May include volcalists. Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age limit of the section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.00
M215 Band Large Group     Open

Time Limit: 10:00

See rule 9. 2 pieces. Min. 10 players. May include school, rock and jazz bands. May include volcalists. Teachers may conduct and perform simple accompaniment but will not be adjudicated. All other competitors must be within the age limit of the section.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.00
M216 Own Composition Solo or Group     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

The composition may be a collaborative work but all composers/lyricists must be acknowledged. A notated score must be handed in. This may be handwritten or computer generated. The composer/s must perform.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.00