2024 Lismore Eisteddfod
22 Oct 2024 to 31 Oct 2024
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule


Competitors are asked to study the following rules carefully as they will be strictly enforced. This applies particularly to the submission of entry forms which will be rejected if they do not comply.



OUR WEBSITE:  https://lismoreeisteddfod.com.au


NOTE: AGE as at 31 May 2024

  1. In these rules and conditions the word "Committee" shall mean "The Management Committee of the Lismore Musical Festival”. The decision of the Committee in all questions arising, shall be final. All entries are deemed to be made subject to these conditions.
  2. The Committee reserves the right to determine the Status of any competitor and the application and interpretation of these rules.
  3. In the event of insufficient or large number of entries, the Committee reserves the right to combine or divide sections accordingly. In any section where insufficient entries are received the Committee may exercise its discretion with regard to the retention or the alteration of any section for that year.
  4. The Committee reserves the right to amend the program at any time by varying the order of the competitors or sections at any session.
  5. All competitions are intended for amateurs; teachers may not compete.
  6. All competitors perform entirely at their own risk.
  7. No cameras or video will be permitted at any venue.
  8. AGE: Deemed to be the age of the competitor:
  • In all solo/duo sections, the competitor’s age as at 31 May 2024;


  • Troupe Sections, the competitor’s age as at 1 January 2024.
  1. The Committee reserves the right in age competitions to call upon any competitor to produce at his/her own expense, PROOF OF AGE and to withhold any prize/money until such proof shall have been furnished.
  2. The Committee reserves the right to refuse any entry, and, in particular, those from competitors who have been pupils of an adjudicator, within a period of 12 months prior to the closing of entries. These competitors are not eligible to compete in any section judged by that adjudicator.
  3. Entries in all sections must be lodged on or before the 30 June 2024 through the Stardom platform via the website: lismoreeisteddfod.com.au. NO entry will be accepted without full entry fee.


  1. In all sections where two or more combine to compete eg, duos, duets, trios, the name of each competitor must be given at the time of entry.
  2. Competitors in Solo/Duo/Trio may compete only once in that section. No competitor shall be allowed to repeat any item already performed EXCEPT for the DISTRICT


No Qualifier may repeat their same routine in a CHAMPIONSHIP.

  1. Competitors MUST perform in OWN age sections and not outside their own age group, unless specifically indicated in the schedule as open to all ages (unrestricted).
  2. Time Limits apply. All solo dances, not more than three (3) minutes; duo/trio not more than three half (3.5) minutes, troupes not more than four (4) minutes.
  3. The WorkCover Authority requires all electrical equipment eg hairdryers, heated rollers and cassette players etc, be inspected by an authorised electrician and be tagged as required. It is the competitors’ responsibility to comply with the WorkCover Authority Rules. The Lismore Musical Festival Society is not responsible and requests these requirements be observed as penalties are severe.
  4. District dancing (Novice) entries are restricted to Competitors who live within a 50 km radius and learn from Studios with a 50 km radius of Lismore, at the time of the current Lismore Eisteddfod. Competitors may repeat the same dance in both District and Unrestricted

Sections. NOVICE District sections are for competitors who have not WON a FIRST

PRIZE in ANY Classical Ballet, Novice Ballet section; in any Tap Dance section or

Novice Tap section; in any Jazz Dance, or Novice Jazz section at ANY Festival or Eisteddfod at the time of the Lismore Eisteddfod (with the exception of Under (5) years of age group).

  1. CHAMPIONSHIP: Competitors must enter and perform in their corresponding AGE, or acceptable qualifying section/s as indicated in the schedule before the Championship is held (Novice District or Restricted sections not accepted).
  3. The Adjudicator's decision shall be final and he/she has the power to withhold or divide prizes according to merit. He/she shall also be entitled to recommend the awarding of a second place if he/she thinks the rendition has not sufficient merit to carry a first prize, but he/she shall intimate his/her decision when making the adjudication.
  4. In many cases part of a dance may be heard by the Adjudicator and the bell does not necessarily signify disapproval or rejection. The Adjudicator's objective will be to hear all items at the session in which they are set down.
  5. If through unforeseen circumstance an Adjudicator is unable to perform his/her duty, the Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute.
  6. Competitors must assemble in the space provided by the committee and must be ready to render their items in the order in which their names appear in the program. Any delay on their part causing disruption of the business of the session will render them liable to disqualification.
  7. No teacher will be allowed on stage with a competitor unless as an accompanist FOR THAT ITEM. Prompting from the audience or side of stage is strictly forbidden and is liable to result in disqualification of that competitor.
  8. PROPS for Ballet etc, must be portable and capable of being easily handled by two people. No nailing of stands etc, to stage will be allowed. All props must be removed from precincts of stage at the conclusion of each session. All props are to come in by front Door.
  9. A SOUND SYSTEM is provided by the Society and Competitors must use the standard equipment. A sound operator will be provided (No additional charge for this service). The Committee and/or Sound Operator will not be held responsible for CDs incorrectly marked.



a) Clearly label each USB/CD with Section Number, competitor number, start on or off stage.

b) Only one piece of music is to be recorded on each USB/CD.

c) If using a USB, it is recommended to have a CD back up recording.

d) MP3 and WAV files are allowed.

e) Under no circumstance is a sticker to be put on the actual CD. Leave CD in its case.


  1. Usage of venues or equipment PRIOR to the Eisteddfod is not the responsibility of the Lismore Musical Festival Society. All rehearsals should be privately arranged by and paid for by the competitor with the appropriate authority.
  2. No use of the stage for practice is permitted at any venue during the competitions.
  3. During the actual competitions all enquiries of, or representations to the Adjudicator must be made in writing either through the Secretary or a Committee member. UNAUTHORISED communication with the Adjudicator during the competition is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Failure to comply will mean immediate disqualification.


  1. PROTESTS: If any, shall be lodged with the Secretary in writing, within one hour after completion of section in respect of which the protest is entered and must be accompanied by $50.00 which shall be forfeited if the protest is deemed to be frivolous or unfounded.
  2. Competitors must change in dressing rooms. Public areas are not to be used as change areas.
  3. The use of glitter spray and hair spray (makeup or hair products) may be a health hazard for some competitors. These must be used with great care in a well-ventilated area, preferably in the open air.


  1. No dangerous moves may be made that could possibly cause injury to the contestant.


  1. Competitors will be regarded as being CONVERSANT WITH THE RULES of the competitions of the Society affecting their positions as competitors. The PLEA OF LACK


THE INFRINGEMENT OF THE RULE. In the event of a protest being lodged the competitors; so infringing shall be liable to disqualification or may otherwise be dealt with by the Committee.



If anyone has difficulty with the online entry form or submission, please contact:

Rhonda on 0427404383.

15 years and over
295 Senior Ballet Championship Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

a) The competitor must perform in the Classical Ballet in his/her age section ie any Section from 328 – 333 b) For Senior and Intermediate Championships, competitors will perform 2 dances, a Classical Ballet and a Demi – Character. Total cost is $14. c) For Junior Championship, competitors will perform 1 dance, a Classical Ballet. Total cost is $14.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
14 years and under
296 Intermediate Ballet Championship Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

a) The competitor must perform in the Classical Ballet in his/her age section ie any Section from 328 – 333 b) For Senior and Intermediate Championships, competitors will perform 2 dances, a Classical Ballet and a Demi – Character. Total cost is $14. c) For Junior Championship, competitors will perform 1 dance, a Classical Ballet. Total cost is $14.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
10 years and under
297 Junior Ballet Championship Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

a) The competitor must perform in the Classical Ballet in his/her age section ie any Section from 328 – 333 b) For Senior and Intermediate Championships, competitors will perform 2 dances, a Classical Ballet and a Demi – Character. Total cost is $14. c) For Junior Championship, competitors will perform 1 dance, a Classical Ballet. Total cost is $14.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
15 years and over
298 Senior Tap Championship Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

a) The competitor must perform the Tap dance in his/ her age section ie any section from 346 - 351 b) Competitors will perform 2 dances, a slow routine and a fast routine. Total cost is $14 c) In TAP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS, Character Taps or Waltz Taps WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This rule will be enforced. NO COMPETITOR WILL BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM WITHOUT MUSIC. (Rule 20)

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
14 years and under
299 Intermediate Tap Championship Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

a) The competitor must perform the Tap dance in his/ her age section ie any section from 346 - 351 b) Competitors will perform 2 dances, a slow routine and a fast routine. Total cost is $14 c) In TAP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS, Character Taps or Waltz Taps Vocals on music WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This rule will be enforced. NO COMPETITOR WILL BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM WITHOUT MUSIC. (Rule 20).

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
10 years and under
300 Junior Tap Championship Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

a) The competitor must perform the Tap dance in his/ her age section ie any section from 346 - 351 b) Competitors will perform 2 dances, a slow routine and a fast routine. Total cost is $14 c) In TAP DANCE CHAMPIONSHIPS, Character Taps or Waltz Taps Vocals on music WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This rule will be enforced. Competitors with Vocal on these sections will automatically be disqualified. NO COMPETITOR WILL BE ALLOWED TO PERFORM WITHOUT MUSIC. (Rule 20)

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
15 years and over
301 Senior Song and Dance Championship Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

To qualify for the SONG AND DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP the competitor must perform the Song and Dance or Song and Tap in his/her age section ie any section from 403 – 408 or 409 - 414

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
14 years and under
302 Intermediate Song and Dance Championship Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

To qualify for the SONG AND DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP the competitor must perform the Song and Dance or Song and Tap in his/her age section ie any section from 403 – 408 or 409 - 415

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
10 years and under
303 Junior Song and Dance Championship Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

To qualify for the SONG AND DANCE CHAMPIONSHIP the competitor must perform the Song and Dance or Song and Tap in his/her age section ie any section from 403 – 408 or 409 - 416

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
15 years and over
304 Senior Jazz Championship Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

In Jazz Championships to qualify competitors must dance in their own jazz age section ie any section from 365 – 370. Expressive, Creative & Neo -Classical WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This rule will be enforced.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
14 years and under
305 Intermediate Jazz Championship Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

In Jazz Championships to qualify competitors must dance in their own jazz age section ie any section from 365 – 370. Expressive, Creative & Neo -Classical WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This rule will be enforced.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
10 years and under
306 Junior Jazz Championship Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

In Jazz Championships to qualify competitors must dance in their own jazz age section ie any section from 365 – 370. Expressive, Creative & Neo -Classical WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. This rule will be enforced.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
15 years and over
307 Senior Lyrical Championship Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

In Lyrical Championships to qualify competitors must dance in their own lyrical age section ie any section from 385 – 393.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
14 years and under
308 Intermediate Lyrical Championship Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

In Lyrical Championships to qualify competitors must dance in their own lyrical age section ie any section from 385 – 393.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $15          
10 years and under
309 Junior Lyrical Championship Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

In Lyrical Championships to qualify competitors must dance in their own lyrical age section ie any section from 385 – 393.

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
15 years and over
310Restricted Novice Jazz Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
311Restricted Novice Jazz Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
312Restricted Novice Jazz Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
313Restricted Novice Jazz Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
314Restricted Novice Jazz Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
315Restricted Novice Jazz Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
316Restricted Novice Ballet Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
317Restricted Novice Ballet Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
318Restricted Novice Ballet Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
319Restricted Novice Ballet Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
320Restricted Novice Ballet Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
321Restricted Novice Ballet Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
322Restricted Novice Tap Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
323Restricted Novice Tap Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
324Restricted Novice Tap Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
325Restricted Novice Tap Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
326Restricted Novice Tap Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
327Restricted Novice Tap Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Competitors living within a 50km radius of Lismore, dancing at a studio within 50kms of Lismore and who have not won 1st prize in the same dance section at any Eisteddfod or any competition prior to this performance.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
328 Classical Ballet Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
329 Classical Ballet Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
330 Classical Ballet Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
331 Classical Ballet Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
332 Classical Ballet Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
333 Classical Ballet Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
334 Authentic National Character Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
335 Authentic National Character Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
336 Authentic National Character Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
337 Authentic National Character Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
338 Authentic National Character Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
339 Authentic National Character Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
340 Demi - Character Dance Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
341 Demi - Character Dance Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
342 Demi - Character Dance Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
343 Demi - Character Dance Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
344 Demi - Character Dance Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
345 Demi - Character Dance Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
346 Tap Dance (Other than Waltz or Character) Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
347 Tap Dance (Other than Waltz or Character) Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
348 Tap Dance (Other than Waltz or Character) Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
349 Tap Dance (Other than Waltz or Character) Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
350 Tap Dance (Other than Waltz or Character) Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
351 Tap Dance (Other than Waltz or Character) Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
352 Waltz Tap Dance Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
353 Waltz Tap Dance Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
354 Waltz Tap Dance Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
355 Waltz Tap Dance Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
356 Waltz Tap Dance Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
357 Character Tap Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
358 Character Tap Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
359 Character Tap Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
360 Tap Ensemble Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Combination Waltz, slow and speed tap.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
361 Tap Ensemble Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Combination Waltz, slow and speed tap.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
362 Tap Ensemble Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Combination Waltz, slow and speed tap.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
363 Tap Ensemble Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Combination Waltz, slow and speed tap.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
364 Tap Ensemble Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Combination Waltz, slow and speed tap.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
365 Jazz Dance Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
366 Jazz Dance Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
367 Jazz Dance Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
368 Jazz Dance Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
369 Jazz Dance Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
370 Jazz Dance Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
371 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years
372 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     14 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
13 years
373 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     13 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years
374 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     12 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
11 years
375 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     11 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years
376 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     10 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
9 years
377 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     9 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
378 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
379 Contemporary/Creative Dance Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
380 Hip Hop Dance Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
381 Hip Hop Dance Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
382 Hip Hop Dance Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
383 Hip Hop Dance Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
384 Hip Hop Dance Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
385 Lyrical Dance Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years
386 Lyrical Dance Solo     14 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
13 years
387 Lyrical Dance Solo     13 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years
388 Lyrical Dance Solo     12 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
11 years
389 Lyrical Dance Solo     11 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years
390 Lyrical Dance Solo     10 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
9 years
391 Lyrical Dance Solo     9 years

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
392 Lyrical Dance Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
393 Lyrical Dance Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
403 Song and Tap Dance Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
404 Song and Tap Dance Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
405 Song and Tap Dance Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
406 Song and Tap Dance Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
407 Song and Tap Dance Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
408 Song and Tap Dance Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
409 Song and Dance - Other Than Tap Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
410 Song and Dance - Other Than Tap Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
411 Song and Dance - Other Than Tap Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
412 Song and Dance - Other Than Tap Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
413 Song and Dance - Other Than Tap Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
414 Song and Dance - Other Than Tap Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Championship Qualifier

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
415 Musical Theatre Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

A dance to any song from a musical either from Stage or Screen

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
416 Musical Theatre Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

A dance to any song from a musical either from Stage or Screen

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
417 Musical Theatre Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

A dance to any song from a musical either from Stage or Screen

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
418 Musical Theatre Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

A dance to any song from a musical either from Stage or Screen

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
419 Musical Theatre Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

A dance to any song from a musical either from Stage or Screen

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
420 Musical Theatre Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

A dance to any song from a musical either from Stage or Screen

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
5 years and under
421 Tiny Tots Classical Ballet Solo     5 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
422 Tiny Tots Nursery Rhyme or Story Book Character Solo     5 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
423 Jazz Dance Improvisations Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
424 Jazz Dance Improvisations Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
425 Jazz Dance Improvisations Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
426 Jazz Dance Improvisations Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
427 Jazz Dance Improvisations Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
428 Ballet Dance Improvisations Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
429 Ballet Dance Improvisations Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
430 Ballet Dance Improvisations Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
431 Ballet Dance Improvisations Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
432 Ballet Dance Improvisations Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
433 Tap Dance Improvisations Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
434 Tap Dance Improvisations Solo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
435 Tap Dance Improvisations Solo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
436 Tap Dance Improvisations Solo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
437 Tap Dance Improvisations Solo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:00

The Adjudicator will set music. Competitors each allowed 1-minute break on stage to improvise dance after hearing music played through once. Tights and leotards to be worn.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
438 Song and Dance Duo     Open

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
439 Song and Dance Duo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
440 Song and Dance Duo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
441 Song and Dance Duo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
442 Song and Dance Duo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
443 Song and Dance Duo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
444 Dance Duo     Open

Time Limit: 03:30

Dance only not song. Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
445 Dance Duo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 03:30

Dance only not song. Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
14 years and under
446 Dance Duo     14 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Dance only not song. Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
447 Dance Duo     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Dance only not song. Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
10 years and under
448 Dance Duo     10 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Dance only not song. Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
449 Dance Duo     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Dance only not song. Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
450 Dance Duo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Dance only not song. Ensure that both names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
13 years and over
451 Dance Trio     13 years and over

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that all three names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
12 years and under
452 Dance Trio     12 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that all three names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
453 Dance Trio     Open

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that all three names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st $15          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
8 years and under
454 Dance Trio     8 years and under

Time Limit: 03:30

Ensure that all three names are on the entry.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
455 Dance - own Choreography Solo     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Must be 'own choreography' eg, HSC dance. Not to be from a dance school.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
15 years and over
456 ÒWN CHOICE DANCE SOLO - NOT Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop Solo     15 years and over

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
13 and 14 years
457 ÒWN CHOICE DANCE SOLO - NOT Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop Solo     13 and 14 years

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
11 and 12 years
458 ÒWN CHOICE DANCE SOLO - NOT Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop Solo     11 and 12 years

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
9 and 10 years
459 ÒWN CHOICE DANCE SOLO - NOT Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop Solo     9 and 10 years

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
7 and 8 years
460 ÒWN CHOICE DANCE SOLO - NOT Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop Solo     7 and 8 years

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate          
6 years and under
461 ÒWN CHOICE DANCE SOLO - NOT Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, Jazz, Tap, Hip Hop Solo     6 years and under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          HC Certificate