Biloela Dance Festival 2025
20 Aug 2025 to 26 Aug 2025
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule

Biloela Dance Festival 2025 Rules


The BDF Committee reserves the right to:

  • Refuse an entry.
  • Disqualify a competitor who, or whose parent, guardian, or teacher, in its opinion, has any communication with the Adjudicator during the Festival unless requested. Please note: As some of our Executive Committee are also parents of competitors, it may be necessary for them to speak with the adjudicator during or before the Festival on business matters.
  • To appoint a substitute Adjudicator should unforeseen circumstances the appointed Adjudicator is unable to perform his/her duties.
  • Combine sections where there are not at least three entries in the section. No younger entrant would be disadvantaged in this instance.
  • Alter or amend the program at any time.
  • Allocate trophies and prizes where it sees fit.


Age is taken from the 1st of January 2025.

Competitor/s may perform no more than twice in a Duo, Trio, or Group Section, provided there is a change of performer/s (excluding school groups). School groups are eligible to enter multiple genres within their age-appropriate section.  Competitors performing more than one genre in a duo/trio section (ie combined Jazz/Hip Hop) may perform both routines – provided the nominating person contacts the committee via email to confirm and complete entries.

Inappropriate and suggestive movement and/or obscene language is not permitted. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in disqualification.

All competitors compete at their own risk.

All Competitions held under the auspices of the Biloela Dance Festival are open to amateurs only (except Open sections). The term "Amateur" is defined as one whose principal source of income is not derived from that branch of arts in which they compete. Studio Principals or person holding full dance teaching qualifications are NOT eligible to compete as amateurs.

By entering the Biloela Dance Festival you allow for the competitor to be interviewed and photographed during the Festival for official publicity purposes.

No Competitor may perform more than once in any SOLO section.

No Competitor may perform the same work more than once during the current Festival.

The adjudicator shall have sole say concerning results and, no competitor, parent, guardian or teacher may approach the Adjudicator to discuss results.

Pupils of the Adjudicator, within twelve months of the Festival, cannot compete in any sections to be judged by the said Adjudicator.

No competitor will be allowed to perform outside of the specified section at the time set down for that section, except in exceptional circumstances with agreement of the committee.

Prompting from the audience (including teachers) will result in disqualification of a competitor.

No teacher, parent or guardian will be entitled to enter or remain in the wings or backstage area during the performance item, except when performing committee duties.

The use of curtains will not be permitted.

No specialized lighting will be permitted.

Biloela Civic Centre and Festival signage must be strictly adhered to.

Members of the audience are requested to maintain silence and retain their seats during a performance. No-one will be permitted to enter or leave as the doors to the auditorium will be closed during a performance.

The order of the program sessions will be strictly followed.

No phones or electronic devices are allowed in the Auditorium.

The taking of photographs, and the use of a video or sound recording device is strictly prohibited.

Dance competitors are requested to wear suitable covering over dance costumes when not backstage.

Tap shoes must be covered when not on stage.

The painting of shoes between items will not be permitted backstage or in the dressing rooms.

Dressing rooms will be allocated to dance schools for groups day only. Competitors may use any dressing room during solo, duo or trio sections. One backstage dressing room will be allocated as a “boys only” dressing room. Dressing rooms must    be left in a satisfactory state or a fee will be incurred.

Time limits apply to all dance items and will be strictly adhered to.

For Improvisation sections, competitors must be at the designated area backstage prior to their section commencing. Plain dancewear must be worn.

Stage props may be stored in the wings for the duration of the performance section only. ALL props must be removed by completion of the current Festival. Failure to do so will result in items being disposed of by Biloela Civic Centre and costs incurred will be passed on to individuals. Property left behind will NOT be the responsibility of BDF.

Rules specific to cheer sections - Groups will perform on a non-sprung matted floor- equivalent to 4 horizontal mats. Spotters must be used for all stunts and must be actively assisting for safety. Teachers only are permitted to contact Biloela Dance Festival committee for more detailed guidelines if required.


Music Uploads is used for music submissions. Please adhere to the due date given by the committee.

Music will not be accepted past this date.

No vocal backing is permitted in the ‘Song’ component of a Song & Dance routine.

Please ensure a backup copy of your music is available in case of technical difficulties. 

Committee members only are permitted in the music booth.


The committee shall not be responsible for any infringement of copyright or royalty by individual performers or persons associated with the performance.

All dances must be based on original choreography. Any competitor who presents a dance merely copied from established works or films (YouTube etc.) will be disqualified – BREACH OF COPYRIGHT.

It is the responsibility of Individual Competitors (or the School/Studio) to obtain the appropriate permission or license for the making or recording of Copyright Musical Works.


Lyrical is defined as dance movements not held by the rigid constraints of classical ballet, often shedding tutus for freer outfits, bare feet and untied hair; however, the movements should demonstrate a flowing effect of the human form while interpreting the words and/or feelings of the music or song.

Contemporary is defined as abstract dance movements not bound by the restrictive rules of classical ballet; stylized, abstract movements. A style of theatrical dance that rejects the limitations of classical ballet, and favours movements deriving from the expression of inner feelings.

Hip Hop is defined as energetic dance movements that are derived from break-dancing, but does not consisting wholly of break-dancing moves. Unlike most other forms of dance, which are often at least moderately structured, hip hop dance has few (if any) limitations on positions or steps. It is about the attitude and creatively of the dancer and choreographer.

Student Own Choreography. Routine must be 100% choreographed and performed by the competitor with NO assistance from any teacher. The dance may be in any style, but not necessarily entirely in the same style.

Jazz. Jazz dancing is a form of dance that showcases a dancer’s individual style and originality. Every jazz dancer interprets and executes moves and steps in their own way. Jazz dancing is energetic and fun, consisting of unique moves, fancy footwork, big leaps and quick turns.

National Dance sections include dances from specific countries or culture, often passed down through generations which demonstrate inherited tradition and show typical customs of a particular country, nation or ethnicity. National Dance could include European, Asian, American, South Pacific and African cultural styles. This section does NOT include Scottish or Irish Dancing due to specialised competitions for this style of dance.

AcroDance is a style of dance that combines classical dance technique with precision acrobatic elements. It is defined by the unique choreography which seamlessly blends dance & Acrobatics

Musical Theatre is a theatrical style of dance performance that combines music acting and dance.

Cheer is a group sport that welcomes participants of all ages, body types, strengths, and abilities. It combines jumps, tumbling, stunting, pyramids, and dance into a dynamic routine.

Pom is an energetic and dynamic style of dance incorporating jazz and hip-hop like high energy movements that places emphasis on precise and synchronised arm movements, formations, jumps, and skills. It is characterised by its use of poms, which dancers hold in their hands throughout the routine.

10 Years and Under
500 Student Own Choreography Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
501 Student Own Choreography Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
502 Student Own Choreography Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
4 Years and Under
506 Tiny Tots Solo     4 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Any Dance Genre

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
509 Tiny Tots Group - 4 or more     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Any Dance Genre

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
513 National Dance Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
514 National Dance Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
515 National Dance Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
516 National Dance Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
517 National Dance Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
526 National Dance Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
527 National Dance Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
528 National Dance Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Please Advise Country of Origin Upon Entry

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
531 Demi Character Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
532 Demi Character Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
533 Demi Character Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
534 Demi Character Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
535 Demi Character Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
538 Classical Ballet Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
539 Classical Ballet Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
540 Classical Ballet Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
541 Classical Ballet Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
542 Classical Ballet Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
543 Classical Ballet Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
546 Classical Ballet Duo/Trio     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
547 Classical Ballet Duo/Trio     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
548 Classical Ballet Duo/Trio     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
549 Classical Ballet Duo/Trio     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
550 Classical Ballet Duo/Trio     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
551 Classical Ballet Duo/Trio     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
554 Classical Ballet Group - 4 or more     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
555 Classical Ballet Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
556 Classical Ballet Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
558 Classical Ballet Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
561 Lyrical Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
562 Lyrical Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
563 Lyrical Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
564 Lyrical Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
565 Lyrical Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
16 Years and Under
565a Lyrical Solo     16 Years and Under

Time Limit: 3.00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          
566 Lyrical Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
569 Lyrical Duo/Trio     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
570 Lyrical Duo/Trio     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
571 Lyrical Duo/Trio     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
572 Lyrical Duo/Trio     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
573 Lyrical Duo/Trio     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
574 Lyrical Duo/Trio     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
577 Lyrical Group - 4 or more     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
578 Lyrical Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
579 Lyrical Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
581 Lyrical Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
584 Contemporary Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
585 Contemporary Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
586 Contemporary Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
587 Contemporary Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
588 Contemporary Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
16 Years and Under
588a Contemporary Solo     16 Years and Under

Time Limit: 3

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          
589 Contemporary Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
592 Lyrical Improvisation Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
593 Lyrical Improvisation Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
594 Lyrical Improvisation Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
595 Lyrical Improvisation Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
596 Lyrical Improvisation Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
597 Lyrical Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
600 Contemporary Duo/Trio     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
601 Contemporary Duo/Trio     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
602 Contemporary Duo/Trio     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
603 Contemporary Duo/Trio     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
604 Contemporary Duo/Trio     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
605 Contemporary Duo/Trio     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
609 Contemporary Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
610 Contemporary Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
611 Contemporary Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
615 Tap (any style) Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
616 Tap Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
617 Waltz Tap Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
618 Tap Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
619 Waltz Tap Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
620 Tap Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
621 Waltz Tap Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
622 Tap Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
623 Waltz Tap Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
624 Tap Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
625 Waltz Tap Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
626 Tap Improvisation Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
627 Tap Improvisation Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
628 Tap Improvisation Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
629 Tap Improvisation Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
630 Tap Improvisation Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
631 Tap Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
632 Tap Duo/Trio     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
633 Tap Duo/Trio     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
634 Tap Duo/Trio     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
635 Tap Duo/Trio     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
636 Tap Duo/Trio     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
637 Tap Duo/Trio     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
638 Tap Group - 4 or more     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
639 Tap Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
640 Tap Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
641 Tap Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
642 Jazz Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
643 Jazz Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
644 Jazz Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
645 Jazz Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
646 Jazz Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
16 Years and Under
646a Jazz Solo     16 Years and Under

Time Limit: 3

Entry: $10.00
647 Jazz Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
648 Jazz Improvisation Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
649 Jazz Improvisation Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
650 Jazz Improvisation Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
651 Jazz Improvisation Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
652 Jazz Improvisation Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
653 Jazz Improvisation Solo     Open

Time Limit: 02:00

Basic Dancewear Only

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
654 Jazz / Hip Hop Duo/Trio     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
655 Jazz / Hip Hop Duo/Trio     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
656 Jazz / Hip Hop Duo/Trio     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
657 Jazz / Hip Hop Duo/Trio     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
658 Jazz / Hip Hop Duo/Trio     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
659 Jazz / Hip Hop Duo/Trio     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
660 Jazz Group - 4 or more     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
661 Jazz Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
662 Jazz Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
663 Jazz Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
664 Hip Hop Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
665 Hip Hop Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
666 Hip Hop Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
667 Hip Hop Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
668 Hip Hop Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
669 Hip Hop Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
670 Hip Hop Group - 4 or more     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
671 Hip Hop Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
672 Hip Hop Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
673 Hip Hop Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
674 AcroDance Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
675 AcroDance Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
676 AcroDance Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
677 AcroDance Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
678 AcroDance Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
679 Song and Dance Solo     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
680 Song and Dance Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
681 Song and Dance Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
682 Song and Dance Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
683 Song and Dance Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
684 Song and Dance Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
685 Musical Theatre Solo     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
686 Musical Theatre Solo     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
687 Musical Theatre Solo     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
688 Musical Theatre Solo     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
689 Musical Theatre Solo     Open

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $10.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
690 Musical Theatre / AcroDance Duo/Trio     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
691 AcroDance Duo/Trio     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
692 Musical Theatre Duo/Trio     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
693 AcroDance Duo/Trio     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
694 Musical Theatre Duo/Trio     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Under
695 AcroDance Duo/Trio     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
696 Musical Theatre Duo/Trio     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
697 AcroDance Duo/Trio     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
698 Musical Theatre Duo/Trio     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $12.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
8 Years and Under
699 Musical Theatre / AcroDance Group - 4 or more     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
10 Years and Under
700 AcroDance Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
701 Musical Theatre Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
702 AcroDance Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
703 Musical Theatre Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
704 AcroDance Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
705 Musical Theatre Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
Lower Primary (Prep to Year 3)
706 School Class Group - 4 or more     Lower Primary (Prep to Year 3)

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
Upper Primary (Year 4 - Year 6)
707 School Class Group - 4 or more     Upper Primary (Year 4 - Year 6)

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
708 School Class Group - 4 or more     Secondary

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
9 Years and Under
709Novice Cheer Group - 4 or more     9 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Novice (Modified Level 1) Stunts- Waist height and below. Tumbling- Forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels and round-offs. Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Other- No cradles, release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
710Intermediate Cheer Group - 4 or more     9 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Intermediate (Modified Level 1/2) Stunts- Two leg stunts to extended level allowed, single leg stunts to shoulder height allowed. Tumbling- Skills must involve hand support with at least one arm. E.G- forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, walkovers, forward handsprings and back handsprings. No tucks, aerials, layouts etc… Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Dismounts- Straight cradles, step off or smoosh down. Other- No other release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
12 Years and Under
711Novice Cheer Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Novice (Modified Level 1) Stunts- Waist height and below. Tumbling- Forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels and round-offs. Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Other- No cradles, release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
712Intermediate Cheer Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Intermediate (Modified Level 1/2) Stunts- Two leg stunts to extended level allowed, single leg stunts to shoulder height allowed. Tumbling- Skills must involve hand support with at least one arm. E.G- forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, walkovers, forward handsprings and back handsprings. No tucks, aerials, layouts etc… Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Dismounts- Straight cradles, step off or smoosh down. Other- No other release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
14 Years and Over
713Novice Cheer Group - 4 or more     14 Years and Over

Time Limit: 04:00

Novice (Modified Level 1) Stunts- Waist height and below. Tumbling- Forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels and round-offs. Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Other- No cradles, release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
714Intermediate Cheer Group - 4 or more     14 Years and Over

Time Limit: 04:00

Intermediate (Modified Level 1/2) Stunts- Two leg stunts to extended level allowed, single leg stunts to shoulder height allowed. Tumbling- Skills must involve hand support with at least one arm. E.G- forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, walkovers, forward handsprings and back handsprings. No tucks, aerials, layouts etc… Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Dismounts- Straight cradles, step off or smoosh down. Other- No other release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
18 Years and Under
715Novice Cheer Group - 4 or more     18 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Novice (Modified Level 1) Stunts- Waist height and below. Tumbling- Forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels and round-offs. Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Other- No cradles, release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
716Intermediate Cheer Group - 4 or more     18 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Intermediate (Modified Level 1/2) Stunts- Two leg stunts to extended level allowed, single leg stunts to shoulder height allowed. Tumbling- Skills must involve hand support with at least one arm. E.G- forward rolls, handstands, cartwheels, walkovers, forward handsprings and back handsprings. No tucks, aerials, layouts etc… Pyramids- Braced by at least one arm, height as per stunts above. Dismounts- Straight cradles, step off or smoosh down. Other- No other release moves, twisting elements or tosses.

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          VH          
6 Years and Under
717 Pom Group - 4 or more     6 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          
8 Years and Under
718 Pom Group - 4 or more     8 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          
10 Years and Under
719 Pom Group - 4 or more     10 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          
12 Years and Under
720 Pom Group - 4 or more     12 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          
14 Years and Under
721 Pom Group - 4 or more     14 Years and Under

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC          
722 Pom Group - 4 or more     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entry: $15.001st          2nd          3rd          HC