City of Hobart Performing Arts Eisteddfod (74th)
16 May 2024 to 20 May 2024
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule

68th City of Hobart Eisteddfod

Rules & Information

From 2017, The City of Hobart Eisteddfod will only be publishing an online version of the syllabus and receiving online entries. If you or your organisation requires assistance, please email

Entries close the 10th of April, although late entries can be received online with the addition of a $10 late fee per section entry. The eisteddfod reserves the right to refuse or accept late entries. Stardom will be accepting entries up until midnight, the 20th of April.

Notification of performance time is only available once the full program has been released.

Please note that any prize amounts shown are indicative and subject to change without notice. Prizes will be confirmed in the released program.

Information is updated regularly on the Eisteddfod's website and Facebook page.

New for 2018 - Condition 2h

The City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society reserves the right to remove or combine classes which have fewer than three entrants. 

New from 2017 - APRA Fee $0.77c Per Entry

There have been significant changes to the way eisteddfods are licensed to use music which will have an impact on the City Of Hobart Eisteddfod from 2017. These changes are out of the control of the City of Hobart Eisteddfod but have forced the imposition of an APRA license fee to be added to each Eisteddfod Entry. This fee is placed on each and every class entry regardless of participant numbers (solo, group, choir, band etc) and regardless of the type and amount of items performed in each particular entry.

APRA AMCOS, ARIA and PPCA are rights management organisations who secure a financial return (royalties) for performers, composers and songwriters whose works are used and enjoyed by all Australian organisations, including Eisteddfods. You may have a licence with all or some of these organisations.


Pianoforte - Glen Riddle

Classical Voice - Christopher Richardson

Instrumental - Mark Sullivan

Instrumental Groups & Percussion – T.B.A.

Contemporary Voice / Musical Theatre - Heather Fletcher

Choral & Vocal Groups - Christopher Richardson

Drama - Lisa Gormley

Nelle Ashdown Award - T.B.A.

Major Award - Nelle Ashdown Memorial $1,300

The finalists will be the winners of the Open Pianoforte Recital, the Open Instrumental Recital and the DJ Mazda Open Operatic Aria. To be eligible for the award they will be required to perform in the latter part of the Highlights Concert on July 2nd. Adjudication will be based upon the Highlights Concert performance. Performance item/s can be own choice. Time limit 10 minutes. A copy of the music is to be provided for the adjudicator.

Major Award - Lord Mayor’s Outstanding Secondary School

An aggregate award for the secondary school gaining the most awards with groups of three or more students in any section or combination of sections. Each group must be entered by the school, not privately.




27th June

Federation Concert Hall


29 May to

1 June 

Hobart Town Hall

Classical Voice

28 June to

1 July

Hobart Town Hall


24-26 May 

 Hobart Town Hall

Contemporary/Music Theatre Voice

14-17 June 

Hobart Town Hall

Instrumental - Percussion

26th June

Federation Concert Hall

Instrumental - Bands

26th June

Federation Concert Hall


17-21 June 

Hobart Town Hall

Highlights Concert

2nd July

Hobart Town Hall


Dates for the Major Classes - Providing Entry to the Nelle Ashdown Award

Pianoforte Open Recital

Evening of 1st of June

DJ Mazda Operatic Aria

Evening of 30th June

Instrumental Open Recital

Evening of 21st June
















May 21




























1 June

































































Concert Hall




Concert Hall















1 July







1. Acceptance

1a. Entries must be lodged within the specified period, complete in all details and accompanied by the correct fees, by online entry. Credit/Debit cards facilities are provided by the online entry system which incur no additional fees. Cheques, money orders and postal notes must be made payable to: The City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society Inc. By submitting the entry form you, or the person on whose behalf it is submitted, are acknowledging that you unconditionally agree to be bound by these conditions. Entry fees are not refundable.

2. General Conditions

2a. An administration fee of $2 is charged per online entry. A single entry may be used for multiple class and discipline entries for multiple competitors. In addition, an APRA license fee of $0.77 cents per class entry will be automatically calculated and added to each online entry. This fee is regardless of the number of performers in each class.

2b. Entry may be made in any classes listed within the entrant’s age group. Age will be taken as at 8th of May 2018. For a competitor to be eligible for an age specific special award, entrants aged 18 and under must have their age specified on the entry form.

2c. Participants in graded classes may enter no more than two grades per instrument. The grades must be consecutive.

2d. Any one work may be performed by an entrant in one class only.

2e. Previous City of Hobart Eisteddfod winning (i.e. first prize) items may not be performed again by the same competitor.

2f. Entrants must check the class number, category and age group for each competitor on their entry, as contestants may not move from one class to another or change the order of performance once the program has been printed. Exceptions: classes 430, 840, 1350 and 1490.

2g. In the case of an irregular entry in exceptional circumstances the Executive Committee of the City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society Inc at its discretion may permit the contestant/s to perform and receive a report. The contestant/s will not be eligible for an award.

2h. The City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society reserves the right to remove or combine classes which have fewer than three entrants.

3. Choice of Material

3a. All items are own choice, but care should be taken that items chosen comply with the requirements as itemised for the class and category. The quality of choice will be taken into consideration. All classes are limited to the performance of one item only unless otherwise specified.

3b. Vocal, Choral and Drama items in classes other than Open should be age appropriate. Items chosen for the Highlights Concert should be suitable for a family (PG) concert.

4. Check-in Requirements

4a. Entrants must check in and present adjudicator’s copy at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement time of each session in which entry has been made. Entrants whose adjudicator’s copies are not available before the beginning of a class may become ineligible for an award.

4b. Copies must be clean and legible, and should have attached the official check-in slip available from the check-in desk or downloadable from the website, with details of class number, entrant number and name, composer/author and composition title/s. The accompanist’s part for instrumental and vocal solos and choirs should be included. Bars must be numbered at the beginning of each stave (line). If accompaniments have been abridged, this should be marked in the adjudicator’s copy.

4c. Copyright: By the terms of the Eisteddfod’s copyright licence, photocopied material provided for the adjudicator is not returned and must be destroyed by the Eisteddfod Society. Participants are not permitted to perform from photocopied material unless the original is given to the adjudicator. Exception: printed copies of legally downloaded material are acceptable, and should be marked as such if they are to be returned.

5. Performance

5a. Competitors are asked to announce clearly the titles and composers/authors of their items.

5b. Competitors are responsible for providing their own equipment, including percussion equipment and amplification. Competitors in groups should provide their own music stands. Two music stands are provided at all venues.

5c. Instruments requiring amplification are allowed only for Instrumental Group classes 960 to 1020, and 1070.

5d. The order of performance will be as printed in the official program. Exceptions: classes 430, 840, 1350 and 1490.

5e. Any entrant who has not checked in or who is not present at the required time may forfeit the right to perform. Please ensure that your accompanist is also available at the required time. NB: Please bear in mind that competitors often play well within time limits. Withdrawals also affect class commencement times.

6. Time Limits

6a. Performers and teachers should ensure that works selected fit comfortably within the time limit, to allow for flexibility within the performance. Accompaniment may be abridged. Performances which exceed the time limit may be deemed ineligible for an award.

6b. Performance will be timed from the first to the last note of the contestant or accompanist, excluding tuning. For recitals and other classes with more than one piece, applause and time between pieces is not timed. Exceptions: classes 1070 and 1490, where the entire performance is timed, excluding only applause.

7. Accompaniment

7a. Works composed with accompaniment should be performed with accompaniment. Entrants should make their own arrangements for an accompanist. If needed, see  for a list of suggested accompanists. Please ensure that the accompanist is available at the required time. See also Condition 17.

7b. Recorded accompaniment is not permitted.

8. Adjudication

8a. Adjudication decisions will be final.

8b. In addition to monetary awards listed, Award Certificates and Certificates of Merit are usually awarded in all classes. The Committee reserves the right to combine or withhold awards upon the advice of the adjudicator. Written reports are provided for all entrants and are available at the end of each session from the check-in desk.

8c. The Committee reserves the right to appoint an assistant or substitute adjudicator if an advertised adjudicator becomes unavailable.

8d. Performers should refrain from entering a category if they have been taught or mentored by the adjudicator of that category in the six months prior to the commencement of the Eisteddfod.

9. General

9a. Photographs, video and audio recordings of actual performances are not permitted. Exception: photographs and recordings made by or on behalf of the Committee of the City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society Inc, including those for archival or publicity purposes.

9b. Alarm watches, mobile phones and other electronic equipment must be turned off.

10. Conduct of the Eisteddfod

10a. The Executive Committee of the City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society Inc will determine any matters arising out of, or not covered by, the Conditions of Entry, such decisions being final and not subject to any court or other process.

10b. The Society reserves the right to combine or cancel classes in the event of insufficient entries.

10c. The Society does not accept liability for loss or injury to persons or property during the Eisteddfod.

11. Eisteddfod Highlights Concert

11a. Winners of Perpetual Trophies and Special Awards may be invited to perform at the Eisteddfod Highlights Concert on July 2nd. Award winners of the DJ Mazda Open Operatic Aria, the Open Pianoforte Recital and the Open Instrumental Recital will be required to perform in the latter part of the Highlights Concert to be eligible for the Nelle Ashdown Memorial Award.


74th City of Hobart Eisteddfod

Rules & Information


The City of Hobart Eisteddfod only publish an online version of the syllabus.
If you or your organisation requires assistance, please email




Entries on Stardom open on the 19th of February.

Entries close @ midnight on the 101h of April.

(Late entries MAY be accepted until midnight on the 21st of April)


Programme publish date is the 29th of April.

Please note:

  • Late Entries will incur a fee of $10 per entry.
  • Prize amounts shown are indicative and subject to change without notice.
  • Prizes will be confirmed in the released programme.
  • Information is updated regularly on the Eisteddfod's website and Facebook page.


  • If you feel that something in the syllabus is incorrect, please contact the secretary.



Since 2017, there have been significant changes to the way eisteddfods are licensed to use music. This has an impact on the City of Hobart Eisteddfod. These changes are out of the control of the City of Hobart Eisteddfod but have forced the imposition of an APRA license fee to be added to each Eisteddfod Entry. This fee is placed on each and every section entry regardless of participant numbers (solo, group, choir, band etc) and regardless of the type and number of items performed in each particular entry.


APRA AMCOS, ARIA and PPCA are rights management organisations who secure a financial return (royalties) for performers, composers and songwriters whose works are used and enjoyed by all Australian organisations, including Eisteddfods. You may have a licence with all or some of these organisations.





13 – 16 May

Hobart Town Hall


16 - 20 May

Hobart Town Hall


22 - 24 May

Hobart Town Hall

Classical Singing

22 – 24 May

Hobart Town Hall

Contemporary Singing

25 – 27 May

Hobart Town Hall

Highlights Concert

5:00pm Sunday 2 June

Hobart Town Hall









1.    Acceptance of Entries

a.    Entries must be lodged online with Stardom, within the specified period, complete in all details, and accompanied by the correct fees, payable at the time.

b.    By submitting the entry form you, or the person on whose behalf it is submitted, are acknowledging that you unconditionally agree to be bound by these conditions. 

c.    Entry fees are not refundable except when an event is cancelled.  

d.    Entry fees cannot be transferred to another event should entrants change their mind after final timetabling.


2.    General Conditions

  1. An administration fee of $3.00 is charged per entry and an APRA license fee of $2 for each performance entered.
  2. Entry may be made in any sections listed within the entrant’s age group. Age will be taken as at 1 May 2024. For a competitor to be eligible for an age-specific special award, entrants aged 18 and under must have their age specified on the entry form.
  3. Participants in graded sections may enter no more than two grades per instrument. The grades must be consecutive.
  4. Previous City of Hobart Eisteddfod winning items (i.e. first prize) may not be performed again by the same competitor within a two year period.
  5. Entrants must check the section number, category, and age group for each competitor on their entry, as contestants may not move from one section to another or change the order of performance once that discipline has commenced, unless approved by the Executive Committee of the City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society (EC).
  6. In the case of an irregular entry, in exceptional circumstances, the EC at its discretion, may permit the contestant/s to perform and receive a report but they will not be eligible for an award.
  7. The EC reserves the right to remove or combine sections which have fewer than three entrants.
  8. The EC reserves the right to allow variances of all rules and guidelines at their discretion, and to decide on any matter not covered by all listed rules and guidelines. Decisions of this nature will be deemed final without further question.
  9. Behaviour: A high standard of decorum is expected from all participants and patrons. Behaviour, which is contrary to the spirit of the event, especially if directed at Eisteddfod representatives, adjudicators or entrants, will result in the offender/s being asked to leave. Offending entrants or entrants associated with offenders will be disqualified and may incur future bar. The EC will deal with any issues of this nature, as it deems appropriate.
  10. Alarm watches, mobile phones and other electronic equipment must be turned to silent.
  11. Protests: A protest must be in writing, signed and lodged with the convenor within an hour of the reason for the protest occurring. Protests must be accompanied by a $15 fee. This amount will be forfeited if the protest is considered invalid, or is over-ruled by the EC, and refundable if the protest is upheld. Protests can be made only by competitors, their teachers, parents or guardians. Any protest will be referred to the EC and the resulting decision will be final and accepted without further question.
  12. Volunteers and Adjudicator(s) are not permitted to advise, interpret, or vary any rules, conditions or any aspect of the conduct of the Eisteddfod. The Eisteddfod Committee will not accept responsibility for any outcome arising from such unauthorised actions.
  13. The City of Hobart Eisteddfod Society does not accept liability for loss or injury to persons or property during the Eisteddfod.

3.    Choice of Material

  1. All items are own choice, but care should be taken that items chosen comply with the requirements as itemised for the section and category in the syllabus. The quality of choice will be taken into consideration.
  2. All items in sections other than Open should be age appropriate. All items chosen for the Highlights Concert must be free of strong language and offensive material.Please be aware that lyrics may have to be modified for this audience.
  3. A work may only be performed once, and not repeated in other sections of the same annual City of Hobart Eisteddfod.

4.    Check-in Requirements

  1. Entrants MUST check in and present the “adjudicator’s copy” of your music at least 30 MINUTES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT TIME OF THE SECTION in which entry has been made. Entrants whose “adjudicator’s copies” are not available before the beginning of a section may become ineligible for an award.
  2. “Adjudicator’s Copies” must be clean and legible, and should have attached the official check-in slip available from the check-in desk or downloadable from the website, with details of section number, entry number and entrant’s name, composer/author and composition title/s. The accompanist’s part for instrumental, singing solos and choral should be included. Bars must be numbered at the beginning of each stave (line). If accompaniments have been abridged, this should be marked in the “adjudicator’s copy”.
  3. Copyright: By the terms of the Eisteddfod’s copyright licence, photocopied material provided for the adjudicator is not returned and must be destroyed by the Eisteddfod Committee. Participants are not permitted to perform from photocopied material unless the original is given to the adjudicator. Exception: printed copies of legally downloaded material are acceptable and should be marked as such if they are to be returned.
  4. Competitors who do not intend to compete in a section for which they have entered should as a courtesy notify the Secretary to that effect 24 hours before the time appointed for that particular section.

5.    Performance

  1. Competitors are asked to clearly announce the titles and composers/authors of their items.
  2. Competitors are responsible for providing their own equipment, including percussion equipment and amplification. Competitors in larger groups should provide their own music stands.Four music stands are provided at the Town Hall.
  3. No amplification of Instruments is allowed.
  4. The order of performance will be as published in the official programme. The EC reserves the right to alter or amend the programme in any way.
  5. Any entrant who has not checked in 30 minutes prior or who is not present at the required time may forfeit the right to perform. Please ensure that your accompanist is also available at the required time. NB: Bear in mind that competitors often play well within time limits. Withdrawals also affect section commencement times.
  6. Entrants are expected to be prepared for their event at the time of performance.
  7. An event with an estimated start time (EST) will never commence before this time but may commence after this time if the proceeding event or division runs overtime.

6.    Time Limits

  1. Performers and teachers should ensure that works selected fit comfortably within the time limit, to allow for flexibility within the performance. Accompaniment may be abridged. Performances which exceed the time limit may be deemed ineligible for an award.
  2. Performances will be timed from the first to the last note of the contestant or accompanist, excluding tuning. For recitals and other sections with more than one piece, applause and time between pieces is not timed.

7.    Accompaniment

  1. Works composed with accompaniment should be performed with an accompanist.
  2. Entrants should make their own arrangements for an accompanist. If needed, seewww.hobarteisteddfod.comfor alist of suggested accompanists. Please ensure that the accompanist is available at the required time.
  3. If an accompanist is not present at the time a contestant is due to perform, the contestant may forfeit the right to perform (this decision will be at the discretion of the EC).
  4. Recorded accompaniment is not permitted in any Piano, Instrumental, Classical

    Singing or Choral Sessions.


  1. Contemporary Singing entrants may choose to use acoustic piano/guitar backing tracks for their sessions.

8.    Adjudication

  1. Adjudication decisions will be final, but the EC has the right to advise and, if necessary, overrule the adjudicator in situations where the adjudicator requires clarification regarding syllabus specifics.
  2. In addition to medal and monetary awards listed, Award Certificates and Certificates of Merit are usually awarded in all sections. The EC reserves the right to combine or withhold awards upon the advice of the adjudicator. Written reports are provided for all entrants and are available at the end of each session from the check-in desk.
  3. The Eisteddfod Committee reserves the right to appoint an assistant or substitute adjudicator if an advertised adjudicator becomes unavailable.
  4. Performers should refrain from entering a category if they have been taught or mentored by the adjudicator of that category in the six months prior to the commencement of the Eisteddfod.

9.    Media

  1. Photographs, video and audio recordings of actual performances are permitted as long as there are no disturbances, and the recording/photo is not publicly broadcast.
  2. The Eisteddfod Committee reserves the right to record, film, broadcast, telecast, videotape or photograph any entrant, item or event in the Eisteddfod without notification. Any such photograph, recording or broadcast may be used at the Eisteddfod’s discretion for publicity or promotional purposes, but shall not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any participants, and no remuneration or compensation whatsoever shall be attributable to any participants so featured.
  3. The Eisteddfod Committee, at its sole discretion, may promote or publicise the profile of any entrant and their participation, and publish names and suburbs in competition results, including photos via electronic and printed media at its discretion.


10. Eisteddfod Highlights Concert 

  1. Winners of Trophies, Special Awards & Major Classes will be asked to receive their award at the Highlights concert and may also be expected to perform at the concert on Sunday, 2nd June 2024.


The City of Hobart Eisteddfod Conditions of Entry are revised and updated annually.

0010 AMEB Pre-Preliminary Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Victoria Burley

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0030 AMEB Grade 1 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Madeleine Johnson (nee Harris)

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0140 Piano Performance (Solo)     7 & 8 Years

Sponsor: Frances Underwood, Sponsor Required

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0150 Piano Performance (Duet)     8 Years & Under

One Piano.

Sponsor: Anonymous

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0190 Piano Performance (Duet)     10 Years & Under

One or two pianos, up to eight hands.

Sponsor: Anonymous

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0260 Piano Concerto (Solo)     12 Years & Under

One or more movements. Orchestral tutti should be abridged as practical.

Sponsor: Cronin Family,

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Trophy + $50          2nd Trophy + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0300 Piano Performance (Solo)     13 & 14 Years

Sponsor: Madeleine Johnson (nee Harris)

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0310 Piano Performance (Duet)     14 Years & Under

One or two pianos, up to eight hands.

Sponsor: Madeleine Johnson (nee Harris)

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0370 Piano Performance (Duet)     16 Years & Under

One piano.

Sponsor: Valerie Bohle, Peter Hepburn

Entries Closed
Entry: $30.001st Gold Medal + $100          2nd Silver Medal + $40          HC Merit Certificates          
0400 Piano Recital (Solo)     16 Years & Under*

Three or more works of contrasting styles. Minimum age 13 Years.

Sponsor: Anne Warne, David Rowe

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Trophy + $100          2nd Trophy + $50          HC Merit Certificates          
0460 Australian Composer Piano Performance (Solo)     Open*

One or more works. Minimum age 17 Years

Sponsor: The Rotary Club of Hobart,

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Gold Medal + $100          2nd Silver Medal + $50          HC Merit Certificates          
0490 Piano Recital (Solo)     Open*

Three or more works of contrasting styles. Minimum Age 17 Years.

Sponsor: Bloomfield & Associates, Michelle Warren

Entries Closed
Entry: $35.001st Trophy + $750          2nd Trophy + $250          HC Merit Certificates          
0020 AMEB Preliminary Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Pip Tyrrell

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0040 AMEB Grade 2 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Sponsor Required

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0080 AMEB Grade 6 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Annette Stilwell

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $50          2nd Silver Medal + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0110 AMEB Diploma Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Mrs Frances Underwood

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Trophy + $100          2nd Trophy + $50          HC Merit Certificates          
0130 Piano Performance (Duet)     6 Years & Under

Sponsor: Anonymous

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0170 Piano Performance (Solo)     9 & 10 Years

Sponsor: Madeleine Johnson (nee Harris)

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0250 Australian Composer Piano Performance (Solo)     12 Years & Under

One or more works.

Sponsor: Sponsor Required

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0320 Piano Concerto (Solo)     13 & 14 Years

One or more movements. Orchestral tutti should be abridged as practical.

Sponsor: Madeleine Johnson (nee Harris)

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Trophy + $50          2nd Trophy + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0420 Piano Accompaniment (Solo)     Open

The accompanist will be judged rather than the soloist. The solo performance may be vocal or instrumental.

Sponsor: Jennifer Marten-Smith, Julie Raphael

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Gold Medal + $100          2nd Silver Medal + $50          HC Merit Certificates          
0425 Quick Study (Solo)     Open

Music will be sent out to the entrant 10 days prior to the commencement of the piano section.

Sponsor: Sponsor Needed

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.00
0450 Piano Performance (Duet)     Open

One piano.

Sponsor: Dawn Albert Memorial

Entries Closed
Entry: $30.001st Gold Medal + $200          2nd Silver Medal + $100          HC Merit Certificates          
0060 AMEB Grade 4 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Victoria Burley

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0070 AMEB Grade 5 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Lesley Tilley

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0090 AMEB Grade 7 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Mieke Wyatt, Ruth Brammall

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $50          2nd Silver Medal + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0120 Piano Performance (Solo)     6 Years & Under

Sponsor: Annette Stilwell

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0230 Piano Performance (Solo)     11 & 12 Years

Sponsor: Phyllis Tai

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0240 Piano Performance (Duet)     12 Years & Under

One piano.

Sponsor: Dr Geoffrey Lancaster AO

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0390 Piano Concerto (Solo)     15 & 16 Years

One or more movements. Orchestral tutti should be abridged as practical.

Sponsor: The Rotary Club of Hobart

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Trophy + $100          2nd Trophy + $50          HC Merit Certificates          
0430 Piano Performance (Solo)     Open**

Minimum age 19 years.

Sponsor: Victoria Burley

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Gold Medal + $100          2nd Silver Medal + $50          HC Merit Certificates          
0470 18th Century Piano Performance (Solo)     Open

Two or more works or movements. Prelude and Fugue constitutes two movements.

Sponsor: Dr Geoffrey Lancaster AO

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Gold Medal + $150          2nd Silver Medal + $70          HC Merit Certificates          
0050 AMEB Grade 3 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Lesley Tilley

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Gold Medal          2nd Silver Medal          HC Certificates of Merit          
0100 AMEB Grade 8 Piano Performance (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Victoria Burley

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $50          2nd Silver Medal + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0200 Piano Recital (Solo)     10 Years & Under

Three or more works of contrasting styles.

Sponsor: Anne Warne, David Rowe

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $25          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0360 Piano Performance (Solo)     15 & 16 Years

Sponsor: Sponsor Needed, Lynette Smith

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $50          2nd Silver Medal + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0380 Australian Composer Piano Performance (Solo)     16 Years & Under

One or more works. Minimun age 13 Years

Sponsor: Ruth Brammall

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $50          2nd Silver Medal + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0480 Piano Concerto (Solo)     Open*

One or more movements. Orchestral tutti should be abridged as practical. Minimum Age 17 Years.

Sponsor: The Rotary Club of Hobart,

Entries Closed
Entry: $30.001st Trophy + $500          2nd Trophy + $250          HC Merit Certificates          
0105 AMEB Certificate of Performance Piano (Solo)     Equivalent to

Piece(s) of music performed MUST be of an equivalent standard to the AMEB grade that is stated.

Sponsor: Frances Underwood, Sponsor Required

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $50          2nd Silver Medal + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0160 Piano Recital (Solo)     8 Years & Under

Two or more works of contrasting styles.

Sponsor: Sponsor Required

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Gold Medal + $25          2nd Silver Medal          HC Merit Certificates          
0270 Piano Recital (Solo)     12 Years & Under

Three or more works of contrasting styles.

Sponsor: Sheelagh & Cornelius Wegman

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Trophy + $50          2nd Trophy + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0330 Piano Recital (Solo)     14 Years & Under

Three or more works of contrasting styles.

Sponsor: Valerie Bohle, Peter Hepburn

Entries Closed
Entry: $20.001st Trophy + $50          2nd Trophy + $20          HC Merit Certificates          
0410 Piano Performance (Solo)     17 & 18 Years

Sponsor: Jody Heald

Entries Closed
Entry: $25.001st Gold Medal + $100          2nd Silver Medal + $50          HC Merit Certificates