2024 Boroondara Eisteddfod
6 Chamber Ensembles
11 Jun 2024 to 11 Jun 2024
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule

2024 Boroondara Eisteddfod General Rules and information  

Eisteddfod rules and requirements

The Boroondara Eisteddfod is open to all entrants, provided the specific conditions of each individual event are met:

  • as outlined in the section requirements linked to below, and
  • by following the general rules on this page.

Failure to comply with these may lead to disqualification and the withdrawal of prizes and awards.

In disputes, our decision is final. To ensure equity and fairness for all entrants, we don't permit any variation to the General Rules.

Entrance dates

Entries for the 2024 Boroondara Eisteddfod are open from Monday 25 March to Monday 29 April 2024.

Section requirements

Participants can register for multiple sections, except for those registering in a section titled ‘Non-Competitive’ who cannot register for a competitive section within the same category.

For aged sections, a participant’s age is determined as at the final day of the Eisteddfod – 22 September 2024.

Section requirements

Select from the links below to view requirements, schedules and prizes for each section:

Online entry and payment

1. The closing date for all entrant registrations is 29 April 2024.

2. Entrants in sections must register on the Stardom website(open in new window)

3. No late entries will be permitted.

4. Full payment must be made online at time of registration. A purchase order number from schools will be accepted as proof of intended payment provided that actual payment is received by 13 May 2024.

5. All registration fees include door admission for all performers within their section, as well as for their accompanists and conductors.

6. Entry fees are non-refundable, except where an event is cancelled or is significantly altered. Entry fees cannot be transferred to another event.

7. Each section will have a limited amount of available registrations as per the scheduled length of each session. The City of Boroondara reserves the right to cap registrations once this limit is reached, even while the registration period is open.

8. In choosing to enter the Boroondara Eisteddfod, Entrants are making a commitment to be available for the full duration of the entered section, commencing at the time indicated.

9. An Entrant is not eligible to enter the Piano Concerto Competition if they have previously won the section.

10. An Entrant may not perform more than once within the same solo section.

11. An Entrant registering within a section marked ‘non-competitive’ may not enter a competitive section within the same category.

12. No more than 20 per cent of any small ensemble (3 to 14 performers) or 10 per cent of any large ensemble (15 or more performers) may perform more than once in the same section. For the junior ensemble, senior ensemble and choral sections, a list of entrants’ names and details of age / year levels must be provided upon specific request by the City of Boroondara.

Age limits

13. Age is determined as at 22 September of the current Boroondara Eisteddfod year.

14. Entrants may not register for a section where the specified age limit is below their age.

15. Sections indicated as ‘Open’ means a participant of any age may enter.

16. Date of birth must be specified at time of entry and a copy or extract of the Entrant’s Birth Certificate (or proof of age) must be provided if requested. An individual being in contempt of age requirements will result in disqualification and potential barring from participation the following year. 

17. An individual within an ensemble being in contempt of age requirements will result in disqualification and potential barring of the entire ensemble from participation in the following year.

18. Age limits do not apply to conductors and accompanists.

19. Events titled as ‘Open’ can be entered by persons of any age.

Session dates and times

20. The City of Boroondara reserves the right to amend, cancel or combine any event.

21. Each section may be divided into smaller sessions within the advertised section times.

22. For Piano Concerto heats, each entrant is only required to be registered and present for the session they are appearing in.

Session registration

23. Session registration is open 45 minutes before the advertised session time and closes 5 minutes before the advertised session time. It is the Entrant’s responsibility to allow adequate time to register for their event.

24. Entrants who fail to register within this registration period may be disqualified. They may be provided with an Adjudication Report but they may not be eligible for an award.

25. Entrants are not required to submit a full-score copy of their music for digital submissions.

26. Entrants are required to submit, as appropriate, a full-score copy of their music for use by the adjudicator at registration for the Piano Concerto competition. See copyright obligations below

Performance and time limits

27. No rehearsal or practice is permitted on the stage area before a live section. Any violation of this rule will result in automatic disqualification. Tuning is allowed.

28. Rehearsal or practice is permitted, prior to submission of digital performance.

29. Piano Concerto finalists must play nominated selections from any concerto by the following composers (unless otherwise noted):

  • Beethoven
  • Brahms (only Piano Concerto No.1 in D minor, Op.15)
  • Chopin
  • Grieg
  • Liszt
  • Mendelssohn
  • Mozart
  • Prokofiev (only Piano Concertos Nos.1, 2 and 3)
  • Rachmaninov
  • Saint-Saëns
  • Schumann
  • Tchaikovsky

30. All published time limits must be strictly observed. Selections should be chosen to finish within the time limit prescribed. When required to perform two works, the time between the works will count towards the time limit. 

31. In the case of a performer exceeding the time limit the performance will be adjudicated up to the point of the time limit being reached.

32. A performer may not perform a piece of music more than once within the same year across multiple sections. 


33. Entrants wishing to withdraw from or cancel a section are requested to notify the Boroondara Arts Community Events Officer at eisteddfod@boroondara.vic.gov.au prior to the date of the section. No refunds will be made, except where the City of Boroondara cancels or significantly varies an event.


34. The adjudicator’s decision in accordance with the rules pertaining to the relevant section is final. Any decisions regarding ineligibility or disqualification rest with the City of Boroondara.

35. A substitute adjudicator may be appointed for a listed adjudicator without notice, and categories may be subdivided between adjudicators.

36. Any solo entrant or member of an ensemble who is related to, or been taught or coached privately by an appointed adjudicator during the 6 months preceding the event date is unable to participate in that section.

37. Communication with the adjudicator by a competitor, or by anyone other person associated with a competitor, before or during the Eisteddfod session is strictly forbidden and may result in disqualification.

38. If the minimum number of performers for a section is deemed to be insufficient for a viable competition, that section may be cancelled and registration fees will be refunded.

Adjudicator reports and prizes

39. Adjudicators will provide entrants with feedback via a written report. Adjudication Reports will be emailed to entrants.

40. If a satisfactory standard of performance is not achieved, the decision to award prizes will be at the discretion of the adjudicator.

41. Prizes cannot be divided and no additional prizes other than those already advertised can be awarded. Tied positions are not permissible. Should the City of Boroondara or the adjudicator decide not to award a prize, the decision shall be final and binding.

42. All prizes will be distributed to the winners as an eGift payment card (unless the prize value is over $150) at the conclusion of the Boroondara Eisteddfod.


43. The accompaniment in vocal and instrumental events must be on an acoustic piano, with the exception of Contemporary Vocal sections which may be provided on a USB.

44. Recorded accompaniment or backing tracks are not permitted in any section within the Boroondara Eisteddfod.

Official Accompanists

45. An official accompanist is available for all solo instrumental and solo vocal sections, except the Piano Concerto section. The contact details of official accompanists are listed on each individual section’s ‘Information for Participants’ on the Eisteddfod website.

46. All entrants using the official accompanist will be charged a fee of $10 per section. This fee does not cover rehearsals. The official accompanist fee must be paid at the time of registration.

47. It is the responsibility of the entrant to make contact with the official accompanist to advise of repertoire, as well as request a rehearsal if desired, no later than 14 days prior to the scheduled performance. Accompanists have the right to refuse engagement if adequate notice of repertoire has not been provided. Rehearsals are strongly encouraged. Rehearsal fees and times are a private matter between the entrant and accompanist.

48. Official accompanists are not obliged to play poorly presented, difficult or illegible music at sight. This decision rests with the official accompanist.

Private Accompanists

49. Entrants may work with their own accompanist by private arrangement. Entrants working with their own accompanist must ensure that their accompanist is available to perform with them when called on the day of the entered section. Alterations to an Entrant’s appearance number cannot be made in response to their accompanist’s availability. Private accompanists do not need to purchase an admission ticket.

School groups

50. At no time may a teacher appear on stage with a competitor except as a conductor and/or piano accompanist. Teachers may not act as a page turner for their students.

51. Aside from conducting and piano accompaniment, no conductor or accompanist who falls outside the specified age limits is allowed to play an instrument or sing with their ensemble.

52. Accompanists are only permitted in choral sections, not instrumental ensembles. Only one conductor is allowed per instrumental ensemble, and one conductor plus one accompanist per choral ensemble.

53. Teachers and supervisors accompanying school groups will be admitted to the audience of their school’s entire section free of charge.

Copyright obligations

54. The Boroondara Eisteddfod holds licences from the Australasian Performing Right Association Ltd (APRA) / Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners’ Society (AMCOS), Australian Record Industry Association (ARIA) and the Phonographic Performance Company of Australia Ltd (PPCA).

55. Following advice from AMCOS, the City of Boroondara has determined that performers using sheet music or published text subject to copyright in their performance must use originals or authorised photocopies. It is illegal to make a photocopy of a piece of music that is in copyright without obtaining prior permission from the copyright owner.

56. A photocopy of the original is acceptable for adjudication and official accompanists. This copy will be marked ‘Not For Return’ and subsequently destroyed by City of Boroondara.

57. A photocopy of the original is acceptable for private accompanists. This copy must be destroyed by the competitor after the event.

58. Entrants are reminded that the primary responsibility for adherence to Copyright Law rests with the person(s) doing/authorising the copying. The City of Boroondara in no way encourages the unlawful copying of copyright works.

59. More information regarding Entrant obligations under the Copyright Act (1968) can be found at www.apra.com.au or by calling 02 9935 7900. By entering the Boroondara Eisteddfod, entrants, their guardians or teachers acknowledge their obligations under the Copyright Act (1968) and their commitment to adhering to the rules outlined in the Copyright Act (1968).

Licence consent

60. All entrants (or guardians) in the Boroondara Eisteddfod grant to the City of Boroondara a non-exclusive, personal, perpetual, royalty free licence in Australia in regard to performances at the Boroondara Eisteddfod, to:

  • make recordings of all performances;
  • edit, adapt and make copies of such performances in any media;
  • broadcast, or otherwise publicly perform such recordings; and
  • film the entrants’ likeness, image and voice.

61. These recordings are solely for archival or promotional and marketing purposes of the Boroondara Eisteddfod and City of Boroondara. No such recording or image may be on-sold for profit.
If a participant does not wish to be filmed or photographed by the City of Boroondara, they can notify staff and any appropriate photographs or footage will be discarded

Public recording, photography and filming

62. Flash photography will not be permitted during any Boroondara Eisteddfod performance.

63. Public audio or video recording of any Boroondara Eisteddfod event will not be permitted, including on smartphones or similar devices. City of Boroondara will not be held responsible for breaches of copyright by members of the public


64. By participating in the Boroondara Eisteddfod, the entrant consents to any personal information collected being used by the City of Boroondara for the purposes, or directly related purposes, of conducting the Eisteddfod.

65. The information may also be used to update Council’s customer databases to assist the City of Boroondara in discharging its functions or providing services. Participant names and section/s entered may also be used and disclosed in documents and webpages relating to the Eisteddfod, such as the Notice of Appearance and list of winners, as well as any printed collateral. Names and section/s entered may also be used for promotional purposes within media contexts.

66. The personal information collected will not otherwise be disclosed unless permitted or required by law. If the information is not collected, your entry to the Competition may be invalid. Requests for access to and/or amendment of personal information should be made to the City of Boroondara Arts Community Events Officer at eisteddfod@boroondara.vic.gov.au


67. Any comments or complaints with regard to the Boroondara Eisteddfod should be made in writing to the City of Boroondara Arts Community Events Officer at eisteddfod@boroondara.vic.gov.au within 14 days of the event.

Social distancing requirements

68. You must adhere to all current restrictions regarding social distancing. For further information please visit dhhs.vic.gov.au/coronavirus.


6.1(with Piano) Secondary School Chamber, Accompanied Ensemble     Years 7 - 12

Time Limit: 12:00

Date: 6:30 pm Tuesday 11 June Venue: Hawthorn Arts Centre Registration fee: $40 Time limit: 12 minutes Requirements: Music of own choice. Ensembles must be between 3 and 14 performers. Ensembles must not be conducted. Prizes: 1st - $200, 2nd – $120, 3rd – $80 Adjudicator: TBC Participants who are either related to the adjudicator or have been taught privately by the adjudicator within 6 months prior to date of event are ineligible to participate in this section. Participants must have read the Frequently Asked Questions and agree to the General Rules before completing their registration. The submission link will be emailed to competitors on the day video submissions open.

Entries Closed
Entry: $40.00
6.2(without Piano) Secondary School Chamber, Unaccompanied Ensemble     Years 7 - 12

Time Limit: 12:00

Date: 7:30 pm Tuesday 11 June Venue: Hawthorn Arts Centre Registration fee: $40 Time limit: 12 minutes Requirements: Music of own choice. Ensembles must be between 3 and 14 performers. Ensembles must be unaccompanied and must not be conducted. Prizes: 1st - $200, 2nd – $120, 3rd – $80 Adjudicator: TBC Participants who are either related to the adjudicator or have been taught privately by the adjudicator within 6 months prior to date of event are ineligible to participate in this section. Participants must have read the Frequently Asked Questions and agree to the General Rules before completing their registration. The submission link will be emailed to competitors on the day video submissions open.

Entries Closed
Entry: $40.00
6.3 Chamber Ensemble     Open

Time Limit: 15:00

Date: 8 pm Tuesday 11 June Venue: Hawthorn Arts Centre Registration fee: $40 Time limit: 15 minutes Requirements: Music of own choice. Ensembles must be between 3 and 8 performers. Ensembles must not be conducted. Prizes: 1st - $300, 2nd – $180, 3rd – $120 Adjudicator: TBC Participants who are either related to the adjudicator or have been taught privately by the adjudicator within 6 months prior to date of event are ineligible to participate in this section. Participants must have read the Frequently Asked Questions and agree to the General Rules before completing their registration. The submission link will be emailed to competitors on the day video submissions open.

Entries Closed
Entry: $40.00