Forbes Eisteddfod 2024
17 Jun 2024 to 28 Jun 2024
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule

2024 Rules

Overall Eisteddfod Rules


  1. Adjudicator’s decision will be final.
  2. Entries in all sections must be entered using STARDOM online at or through our website Entries close on 5th May 2024 for Music, Speech & Drama and School Dance Groups. Dance entries close 12th May 2024.
  3. Late entries may incur an additional fee of $20.
  4. Entry Fees must be paid to be included in the programme. The Administration Fee is compulsory.
  5. All competitors in all sections must be ready to perform at least one section beforehand or at the discretion of the adjudicator.
  6. In all competitions, which are subject to an age limit, the age of competitors shall be taken as at the DECEMBER 31, 2024. The committee reserves the right to call upon any competitor at any time to furnish at his or her own expense, certificate of birth, or copy thereof, and can at their discretion withhold any prize moneys until such certificate or copy thereof shall be furnished.
  7. The committee reserves the right to amend the programme at any time, including section details, session dates and session times.
  8. No teacher shall be allowed on stage with competitor unless as accompanist or conductor.
  9. Prompting, except by the adjudicator, will not be permitted in any section.
  10. The committee reserves the right to arrange for adjudication by any person at any time, whether or not such person has been named or appointed as adjudicator.  The adjudicator may only be approached by officials of the committee. Failure to comply could render disqualification.
  11. The committee invests the adjudicator with the power to withhold any prize where he/she is of the opinion that sufficient merit has not been displayed.
  12. No rehearsals are allowed on stage during the Eisteddfod.
  13. Prizes will be awarded on the following scale: 3 entries – 1st prize only; 5 entries – 2nd prize; 7 or more entries – 3rd prize, or at the discretion of the adjudicator.
  14. It is essential that there be a minimum of 3 entries in all sections, otherwise sections may be combined or cancelled. The committee reserves the right to run a section with less than 3 competitors if they deem necessary.
  15. In all own choice selections, competitors must provide a copy of music and words, as the case may be, of the selected item. In Speech & Drama sections, the competitor must provide a copy of the selected item which, if not printed, shall be typewritten and properly punctuated, for approval. The committee accepts no responsibility for loss of, or damage to any music or paper. All photocopies for instrumental sections are to be retained by the committee and destroyed on completion. This applies to solo performers, duets/trios, groups, choirs, bands & choral groups.
  16. Entrants will need to provide their own accompanist.
  17. The committee will provide a competent person to play all CD/iPod. CD/iPod’s must be clearly marked with Section Number and Competitor Number. Any special instructions must be attached and explicit.  All music must be handed in before the session commences. Late music could mean disqualification. A USB may be used. One song only on each, clearly marked with Section Number and Competitor Number.
  18. Competitors competing in more than one age group must not repeat the same routine or item.
  19. Competitors entering in Championships may repeat one routine or item used in age group sections.
  20. Competitors entering in Championships must also enter and compete in two other solo sections of the same discipline. 
  1. No refund will be made for any entry fee paid unless section is cancelled.
  2. Competitors who are eligible to compete in Restricted Sections may also enter Non-Restricted Sections. “Restricted” means not having won a first prize in that particular category (e.g. Dance, Vocal, S&D etc.) at any Forbes eisteddfod or competitions at any age up until the closing date of entries.
  3. All care has been taken in compiling the syllabus and the Committee reserves the right to rectify any errors or omissions that may appear in prize money or items.
  4. The use of Digital Devices or Cameras within the hall is prohibited. The committee enforce this rule for the protection of children.
  5. In ensemble or choir sections, individuals may appear more than once in a section, providing they are bona fide members of each group.
  6. School Groups do not have to be drawn from a single class unless stated.
  7. Duo/Trios – Competitors may enter more than once in the same section, however, they must have different partners.
  8. Perpetual trophies will remain with the Committee for public display.
  9. Teacher Passes - 2 teachers from each Dance/Music School may be nominated prior to start of Eisteddfod. Photo ID is required to collect pass. Email name of School and Teachers to
  10. School Pointscore Trophy
  1. 1st Prize: Trophy + $500, 2nd Prize: $300, 3rd Prize: $200
  2. Points scored as follows:
    1. Enter & Compete - Group:                   5 points
    2. Enter & Compete - Soloist:                  1 point
    3. Receive 1st place in a Section:             3 points
    4. Receive 2nd place in a Section:            2 points
    5. Receive 3rd place or H/C in a Section: 1 point


  1. COPYRIGHT: The law of Copyright applies to the Eisteddfod. It is the responsibility of each competitor to adhere to the Act.

Dance Specific Rules


  1. Competitors will comply with both ‘Overall Eisteddfod Rules’ and ‘Dance Specific Rules’.
  2. Tap shoes are not to be worn in hall.
  3. Prop rules (solos, duos/trios, championships) Props will be limited to one prop plus a choice of either another small prop OR a handheld prop. A chair will be allowed if needed to complete a set (i.e. Table and chair together).
  4. Restricted competitors must compete in their own age class only.
  5. Stockings are to be worn by all female competitors including groups.
  1. Tap Championships:
    1. Competitors must have danced in 2 solo tap sections to qualify.
    2. Competitors are to dance one slow and then one fast routine for the championship.
    3. Competitors entering in Tap Championships may repeat one routine or item used in age group sections.
  2. Jazz Championships:
    1. Competitors must have danced in 2 of the following sections: Jazz solo, Broadway Jazz/Musical Theatre Solo, Jazz Improvisation.
    2. Competitors are to dance one jazz routine.
    3. Competitors entering in Jazz Championships may not repeat a routine or item used in age group sections.
  3. Lyrical Championships:
    1. Competitors must have danced in 2 of the following sections: Lyrical Solo, Contemporary Solo, Lyrical/Contemporary Improvisation.
    2. Competitors are to dance one Lyrical routine for the championship.
    3. Competitors entering in Lyrical Championships may not repeat a routine or item used in age group sections.
  4. Classical Championships:
    1. Competitors must have danced in 2 of the following solo sections to qualify:  Classical Solo, Demi-Character Solo, Classical Improvisation.
    2. Competitors are to dance one Classical and then one Demi-Character routine for the championship.
    3. No pointe shoes in the 12yrs & under championship.
    4. Competitors entering in Classical Championships may repeat one routine or item used in age group sections.
  5. Contemporary Championships:
    1. Competitors must have danced in 2 of the following sections: Lyrical Solo, Contemporary Solo, Lyrical/Contemporary Improvisation.
    2. Competitors are to dance one Contemporary routine for the championship.
    3. Competitors entering in Contemporary Championships may not repeat a routine or item used in age group sections.


  1. Scholarship winners are unable to enter that section again until 2 years have elapsed. 2022 winners may enter again in 2024. 2023 winners cannot enter until 2025.
  2. Scholarships consist of a 60 – 90 minute class taken by the adjudicator, solo performance on stage as well as a short question and answer with the adjudicator on stage.

The adjudicator will teach a short routine in the class and 5 finalists will be chosen to perform this routine on stage.

  1. Scholarships will not run with less than 5 entrants.
  2. The Adjudicator may withhold prize if he/she feels the standard is not suitably high.
  3. Classical Scholarship
    1. Competitors must have danced in any 3 of the following sections in their age group - Classical Solo, Lyrical Solo, Demi-Character Solo, Classical Improvisation, Classical Championship.
    2. A short Classical dance taught by the adjudicator will be performed on stage by selected finalists one at a time.
  4. Jazz Scholarship:
    1. Competitors must have danced in any 3 of the following sections in their age group - Jazz Solo, Broadway Jazz/Musical Theatre Solo, Jazz Improvisation, Contemporary Solo, Jazz Championship.
    2. A short Jazz dance taught by the adjudicator will be performed on stage by selected finalists one at a time.
  5. Scholarship prizemoney will be paid directly to appropriate school attended by the winner.
  1. Pointè shoes will only be permitted in the 14yrs and Open age sections.
  2. Improvisations are to be danced in plain leotard and tights. Music will be supplied by the adjudicator and will be approx. 2 mins in length.
  3. Please note that the curtain will not be opened/closed for any dances other than demi-character (if requested) or group performance.
  4. Own Choreography:
    1. The aim of these sections is to encourage creativity in competitors and we ask that it is entered in this spirit and not used to promote teacher and/or parent choreography. The routine may be any style the competitor chooses and should have appropriate costuming and music. This is not an improvisation section.
  5. GROUPS:
  1. Groups must consist of a minimum of 4 persons on the day of the Eisteddfod.
  2. Competitors may dance in more than one group per section, providing each group has at least 2 different competitors per routine.
  3. Teachers of groups please note that the curtain may be used at the beginning of a routine, but not at the finish.
  1. All Solo’s 3 mins with the following exceptions:
  1. 6yrs & under solo’s – 2.5 mins.
  2. Song & Dance solo’s – 3.5 mins
  3. Duo/Trio & Groups – 5 mins
P01 Beginners Solo     Any Age

Time Limit: 03:00

Less than 18 months tuition, verification letter from teacher required to be emailed to committee.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st Medal          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
P18 Piano Championship Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 10:00

2 pieces contrasting in style. See Rules 19 and 20. Minimum time - 5 minutes.

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Trophy + $50          2nd $30          3rd $20          
P02 Own Choice - Restricted Solo     8 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

See rule 22.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st Medal          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
P201 Entertainment Solo or Group     Any Age

Time Limit: 05:00

Solo or Group (less than 10 members). Any discipline (vocal, instrumental, speech and drama, etc.) This section will be combined with Entertainment section in other disciplines.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $50          2nd $30          3rd $20          
P03 Own Choice - Restricted Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

See rule 22.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st Medal          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
P202 Entertainment Solo or Group     Primary

Time Limit: 05:00

Solo or Group (less than 10 members). Any discipline (vocal, instrumental, speech and drama, etc.) This section will be combined with Entertainment section in other disciplines.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          
P04 Own Choice - Restricted Solo     16 yrs & under

Time Limit: 04:00

See rule 22.

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10          
P203 Entertainment Solo or Group     Secondary

Time Limit: 05:00

Solo or Group (less than 10 members). Any discipline (vocal, instrumental, speech and drama, etc.) This section will be combined with Entertainment section in other disciplines.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy          2nd Certificate          3rd Certificate          
P05 Own Choice - Unrestricted Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st Medal          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
P301 Any form of Entertainment Solo or Group     Special Needs - K-6

Time Limit: 05:00

This section will be combined with other Special Needs sections in other disciplines.

Sponsored by J & K Glennan Livestock Transport

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy + Medals          2nd Trophy + Medals          3rd Trophy + Medals          
P06 Own Choice - Unrestricted Solo     16 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10          
P302 Any form of Entertainment Solo or Group     Special Needs - Secondary

Time Limit: 05:00

This section will be combined with other Special Needs sections in other disciplines.

Sponsored by J & K Glennan Livestock Transport

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy + Medals          2nd Trophy + Medals          3rd Trophy + Medals          
P07 Own Choice - Unrestricted Solo     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10          
P303 Any form of Entertainment Solo or Group     Special Needs - Open

Time Limit: 05:00

This section will be combined with other Special Needs sections in other disciplines.

Sponsored by J & K Glennan Livestock Transport

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st Trophy + Medals          2nd Trophy + Medals          3rd Trophy + Medals          
P08 Classical Piano Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st Medal          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
P09 Classical Piano Solo     16 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10          
P10 Classical Piano Solo     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10          
P11 Australian Composition Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st Medal          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
P14 Jazz or Popular Solo     12 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st Medal          2nd Medal          3rd Medal          
P15 Jazz or Popular Solo     16 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10          
P16 Jazz or Popular Solo     Open

Time Limit: 04:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10          
P17 Own Choice Duet     Any Age

Time Limit: 04:00

See rule 27.

Entries Closed
Entry: $12.001st $35          2nd $25          3rd $15          
P19 Piano Championship Solo     13 yrs & over

Time Limit: 10:00

2 pieces contrasting in style. See Rules 19 and 20. Minimum time - 5 minutes.

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.001st Trophy + $100          2nd $50          3rd $25          
P12/P13 Australian Composition Solo     16 yrs & under

Time Limit: 03:00

Entries Closed
Entry: $10.001st $20          2nd $15          3rd $10