71st Australian National Eisteddfod 2025
15 May 2025 to 18 May 2025
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule

The Australian National Eisteddfod Incorporated

 The Eisteddfod is a not-for-profit community organisation, incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1991 of the ACT - Certificate A10.
It is registered as a charity and as a tax deductible gift recipient under the Australian Federal Income Tax Assessment Act – ABN 32 452 693 087.




President: Sylvia Tulloch

Vice-President: Janetta McRae

Secretary: Janette Humphrey

Treasurer: Amy Sleeman

General Members: Event Directors


Event Directors

Bands & Orchestras Simon Best, Ben Green and Paul Barsdell

Choirs New event directors required – please contact us if interested!

Piano Di Miley

Singing Janetta McRae and Peter Smith

Speech & Drama Sylvia Tulloch

Eisteddfod Office:          eisteddfod@nationaleisteddfod.org.au


General rules and conditions of entry


All entrants participate according to these rules and conditions and any special conditions as may apply to individual divisions or events.



  1. Entries must be submitted in the Stardom system (http://www.stardom.com.au) and accompanied by full fees or they will not be processed.  Responsibility for correct entry rests with the entrant.
  2. The Eisteddfod reserves the right to:

(a) refuse an entry;

(b) cancel a section (e.g. due to lack of entries);

(c) vary the prizes (e.g. when insufficient entries perform);

(d) demand proof of age of an entrant in an age section, or proof of amateur or professional status, or

(e) combine sections together.

  1. An entrant may only enter a particular section once, except where specifically stated otherwise. The name of the partner(s) in a duo, lieder or ensemble must be included on the entry form, except for bands, orchestras, choirs and ensembles of six or more players.
  2. No person may enter under a name other than his or her own. Entries are not transferable from one person to another.
  3. Refunds of entry fees will be made to an entrant only if a section has been cancelled by the Eisteddfod.
  4. One conductor may conduct any number of groups, and one director may present any number of groups. Age limits do not apply to conductors.
  5. Entrants at Eisteddfod functions take part at their own risk. The Society does not accept responsibility for any accident or personal loss or injury, however caused.
  6. Prizes, reports and original material not collected at the conclusion of the relevant division will be available for collection by arrangement with an Event Director.
  7. Age, where specified for any section, shall be the age on the first day of competition of the division in which the entry is made.
  8. Any entrant wishing to withdraw from a section must notify the Eisteddfod as soon as possible.  
  9. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Eisteddfod.
  10. The Australian National Eisteddfod Society will not be liable for any copyright infringement relating to the submission of photocopies. Entrants should be aware of the rules of copyright (see section 30 headed `Copyright’ below).
  11. The Society reserves the right to record, film, broadcast, telecast, videotape or photograph any entrant, item or event in the Eisteddfod without notification, unless the entrant advises the Eisteddfod in advance their photo is not to be shared. Any such photograph, recording or broadcast may be used at the Eisteddfod’s discretion for publicity or promotional purposes, but shall not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any entrants, and no remuneration or compensation whatsoever shall be attributable to any entrants so featured.
  12. Recording of performances on video is not permitted.  Photography is permitted so long as a flash is not used.
  13. A high standard of behaviour is expected from all entrants and spectators. Participants and supporters must comply with the Code of Conduct.
  14. Any mechanical rights which should be obtained in respect of recordings for performance is the responsibility of the performer. The Eisteddfod holds a licence issued by APRA for the live performance of published music.
  15. An entrant, who during the three months preceding the opening date of the division in which he or she has entered, has been taught, coached or advised by the appointed Adjudicator of the division, shall not be eligible to compete in that division of the Eisteddfod.
  16. Failure to comply with any of the foregoing rules and conditions may result in disqualification and withholding of prizes. The decision of the Eisteddfod in all questions or disputes arising out of, or not provided for, by these rules and regulations shall be final. All entries are received on this condition and in the spirit of friendly competition upon which the Australian National Eisteddfod is based, and no dispute shall become the subject of any appeal at law.



  1. Entrants should pay particular attention to neatness of appearance when appearing on stage, as this may be taken into consideration by the Adjudicator.
  2. (a) No entrant may render the same item in more than one section of the Eisteddfod except where otherwise specified.

(b) No entrant, having won a section, may render the same item in the following year.

  1. A copy of the music or other material to be performed in "own choice" events MUST be provided for the Adjudicator and Accompanist, unless it is a piece set by the Eisteddfod. The onus of choosing the right material for the event rests with the entrant. Suitability and degree of difficulty will be taken into consideration by the Adjudicator. The Eisteddfod does not accept responsibility for the loss of music or other material.  In accordance with Copyright law, photocopies and other texts will be destroyed following the event.
  2.   Time limits set out in the Syllabus must be adhered to. Entrants who exceed the time limit may have marks deducted or be disqualified by the Adjudicator.
  3. A teacher shall not be allowed on stage except in the capacity of an official, accompanist or conductor.
  4. Prompting or assistance of any kind shall not be given to any entrant, except by the Adjudicator, who may take any contravention of this Rule into consideration in his or her adjudication.
  5.   Communication with the Adjudicator by entrants, teachers or other interested parties (other than in an official capacity) during a section is strictly prohibited, and the Eisteddfod reserves the right to disqualify an entrant for any breach of this rule.
  6. The Adjudicator's decision shall be final.
  7. Any protest shall be made in writing to the Eisteddfod within 24 hours of the completion of the relevant section.  A protest can only be made by an entrant, or the entrant's teacher or parent.  The decision of the Eisteddfod shall be final.
  8. A copy of the Adjudicator's report will be made available free of charge at the end of each section.
  9. Entrants shall not practise in the performing space for their division on the division's competition days.



  1. The Eisteddfod comprises competitive and non-competitive sections. The prize or award for each section is outlined in the relevant Syllabus and Stardom section description.  All prizes, including highly commended, are at the discretion of the Adjudicator.  In exceptional circumstances the adjudicator may award a prize jointly to more than 1 competitor with a total monetary value not exceeding the specified prize amount.



  1. The Australian National Eisteddfod Society Inc. holds an Australian Performing Rights Association (APRA) licence. An entrant may supply the adjudicator with an unlicensed copy of the piece providing that (a) the original is used by the entrant for the performance or held at the venue for inspection and (b) the Eisteddfod or its delegate destroys the copy immediately after the event.



Life Members


The Society gratefully acknowledges the long service and significant contributions

by individuals to the Society’s Eisteddfodau by award of Life Membership.

Dianne Anderson AM
Judith Bauer OAM
Paul Barsdell
Janet Bedloe
Simon Best
Julia Butler
Alan Christie
Fay Cull
Dorothy Dashwood OAM
Angela Finnegan OAM
Ben Green
Janette Humphrey
Janelle MacDonald
Norma MacKay
Janetta McRae
Di Miley
Margaret Minnis
Robbie Robson
Gwynneth Rowe
Amy Sleeman
Gavin Tulloch
Sylvia Tulloch
Brian White

B011Minimum of 6 players Ensembles     Open

Time Limit: 20:00

Own choice or item(s). (An adjudication only option is available. Groups perform and receive feedback from the adjudicator and a participation trophy.)

Entry: $150.001st Platinum Attainment          2nd Gold Attainment          3rd Silver Attainment          4th Bronze Attainment          
B167Minimum of 6 players Ensembles     16 Years & Under

Time Limit: 08:00

Own choice or item(s). (An adjudication only option is available. Groups perform and receive feedback from the adjudicator and a participation trophy.)

Entry: $120.001st Platinum Attainment          2nd Gold Attainment          3rd Silver Attainment          4th Bronze Attainment          
B188Minimum of 6 players Ensembles     18 Years & Under

Time Limit: 12:00

Own choice or item(s). (An adjudication only option is available. Groups perform and receive feedback from the adjudicator and a participation trophy.)

Entry: $140.001st Platinum Attainment          2nd Gold Attainment          3rd Silver Attainment          4th Bronze Attainment