City of Parramatta Speech and Drama Eisteddfod 2024
Speech & Drama
04 May 2024 to 30 Jun 2024
(To be confirmed after receipt of Entries and Programming has been finalised)
View Discipline Rule




(Current for 2024)


  1. Adjudicator’s reports will be furnished at the close of each section and must be collected from the entrance door monitor.  Those requiring a report to be mailed must furnish a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the convenor OR coordinator on duty together with information on which date the section/session was held.  This must be done within one week of the last date of the Eisteddfod performances.


  1. Adjudicator's decision is final.  No discussion will be entered into, with the exception of an official protest as outlined in rule 3.


  1. Protest accompanied by a deposit of $10.00 must be lodged within 30 minutes of Adjudicator's decision;   deposit forfeited if protest not upheld.


  1. The committee reserves the right to amend, combine or cancel sections.  IF LESS THAN 4 ENTRIES received in any section, (see Rule 18 re Scholarship section) the section MAY BE CANCELLED and entry fees returned or SECTIONS COMBINED.  This does NOT APPLY to the ‘SPECIAL NEEDS” SECTION (Section 350)  


  1. Competitors who have been coached, taught or advised by the Adjudicator during the 12 months preceding 1 April in that year are ineligible to compete.  Competitors who are related to the adjudicator are also ineligible to compete.  Committee Members, members of this Society or Employees of this Eisteddfod are ineligible to compete.


  1. This Eisteddfod is not open to professionals.  A professional is defined as a person who earns the major part of his/her income from the practice of the art or who uses that art as a primary means of livelihood.



SCHOOL GRADE for improvisation group sections will be taken as at 1st April of each year.

PLEASE NOTE:  Competitors in individual (solo) sections must compete in sections for which they are eligible by age.  Example 1: if 10 years old as at 1 April, a competitor is eligible for and can only compete in sections with age groups of 9-10 yrs and 10–11 yrs and the 9 -10yrs Championship;

This means that no competitor can compete in older or younger individual sections than their age range.

Re:  Duo in Costume, group mime.  Section age ranges span 2 years Example:  13-14 years. Competitors must be of the specific ages, as at 1 April, for the section entered.  

Re:  Dramatic Scene 3-6 players, Readers Theatre, Unison reading. Age range spans 3 years.  

E.g. 8-10 yrs. Competitors must be of the specific ages, as at 1 April, for the section entered.  

Example: Dramatic scene:  8-10 yrs.  Competitors must be age 8 yrs or 9 yrs or 10 yrs as at 1 April.

Re: Impromptu phone conversation, Poem for 3-6 speakers, Poem for Two, Age range described as “age and under” (e.g. 12/U), the section entered must reflect the age of the eldest competitor.  Example an entry with a 12 yr old, a 10 yr old and a 9 yr old competitor must enter the 12/U section.

Re:  Improvisation for 2-6 players.  Age range is determined by school grades 5-6;   7-8;  9-10;  11-12.  School Grade will be as at 1st April of each year.  All competitors in a group must be in either of the two grades stipulated for the school grade range for the section entered.  Example: 3 students in year 7 and 1 student in year 8 performing together would enter the section for School Grade 7-8 regardless of their ages.


  1. RESTRICTED SECTIONS are open to competitors who have NOT won a FIRST PLACE in that age range section at the CITY OF PARRAMATTA Eisteddfod.


  1. SPECIAL RESTRICTED SECTIONS are open to competitors who have NOT won a FIRST PLACE in ANY Eisteddfod, AT ANY TIME.


  1. The onus of choosing the right type of selection in Own Choice Sections rests solely with the competitor.  NO COMPETITOR WILL BE ALLOWED TO RENDER THE SAME ITEM IN MORE THAN ONE SECTION, either individually or in conjunction with any partner, at the current Eisteddfod. No competitor may perform as an ‘Own Choice’ item a selection which has been set for any section at the current Eisteddfod.


  1. Re Competitors who have won a first prize in any ‘Own Choice’ section: the same ‘own choice’ item cannot be repeated until TWO City of Parramatta Eisteddfods have elapsed.


  1. In compliance with copyright  laws any copies of materials (i.e. poems, literary or dramatic extracts) provided to the society, unless clearly marked “not subject to copyright” must be retained and destroyed by the Committee after use.



  1. In "Own Choice" sections: All copies MUST BE HANDED IN TO THE STAGE MANAGER before the commencement of the section.  Adjudicators have the option of penalties in marking if such a copy is not handed in or the copy is illegible.


  1. Plagiarism – Public Speaking.  Public Speaking content must be substantially the original work of the competitor.  PLAGIERISM IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND IF DETECTED, THE COMPETITOR WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. (Refer Rule 29) Short quotes are acceptable and should be attributed to the source.


  1. Competitors MUST compete in the section where his/her name appears and at the time the section is scheduled.  Specific requests for changes to the programming will not be taken into account, for any reason. No negotiations will be entered into about changing a performance date as set out in the program.  NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE GRANTED TO THIS RULE.


  1. NO PERSON WILL BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK TO THE ADJUDICATOR or approach the Adjudicator's table except Committee Members.  Parents or teachers are not allowed on stage during any performance.  


  1. Prompting or assistance of any kind can ONLY BE GIVEN BY THE ADJUDICATOR.  If a competitor of any age receives a prompt, that competitor cannot be eligible to receive First Place in that section, but can receive second, third, etc.  Further prompting in the same section will make a competitor ineligible for any placing in that section.


  1. TIME LIMITS:  Where a time limit is set, any competitor going over time may be penalised.  





  1. Competitors must be 15 years by the 1st April and under 26 years as at 1st April to enter the Speech & Drama Scholarship.  Dress Code applies. (see Rule 20)


  1. The dress code for Scholarship and Championship Sections is to be observed.  Smart casual attire, no shorts or thongs for any competitor.  ‘Drama blacks’ are acceptable.  Presentation of the competitor will be taken into account in awarding of points by the Adjudicator


  1. WINNERS of the SPEECH & DRAMA SCHOLARSHIP are INELIGIBLE to enter in the Scholarship again.


WINNERS of the 9-10 years,  11-12 years, 13-14 years CHAMPIONSHIPS are ineligible to enter the same age range Championship the following year.


  1. Competitors may not appear in sections other than those for which they have entered.  No person may substitute for the competitor originally submitted via Stardom.   NO COMPETITOR MAY APPEAR MORE THAN ONCE IN ANY SECTION.


  1. The names of ALL competitors must be submitted online (via Stardom) for Duologue, Group Prepared Mime, Unison Reading, Readers’ Theatre, Dramatic Scene for 3-6 Players, Poem for 3 - 6, Poem for Two, Impromptu Telephone Conversation for Two; and Improvisation for 2-6 players. IN DUOLOGUE sections neither competitor may portray more than one character.


  1. The choice of suitable material rests with the competitor.  Foul language or explicit sexual references are prohibited, and offenders will be DISQUALIFIED.  This rule pertains to all age ranges.

  1. The Committee shall have the power to divide/reduce prizes in all sections, or if a satisfactory standard is not obtained, to withdraw the prize.  Should the committee or Adjudicator decide not to give a prize in any section such a decision shall be final.  THIS INCLUDES THE SCHOLARSHIP and CHAMPIONSHIP SECTIONS.


  1. The Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute Adjudicator should it become necessary.


  1. No entries will be accepted unless accompanied by full fees (payable online via Stardom).  Accepted entry fees will not be refunded unless section is cancelled by the committee.  Check the syllabus for correct entry fees.


  1. PARRAMATTA EISTEDDFOD PHOTOGRAPHY RULES MUST BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO.  NO VIDEO RECORDING ALLOWED due to copyright laws. Photography rules will be on display at the venue


  1. Any competitor found to be deliberately infringing the rules of the Society will be banned from further participation in the Eisteddfod at the absolute discretion of the Committee.


  1. The Committee shall decide on any matter not covered by these rules. Its decision in any question or dispute is final.






Register two qualifying adjudication reports with the stage manager to be ELIGIBILE TO COMPETE in the SCHOLARSHIP and CHAMPIONSHIPS  (Please read Rule 18)


Competitors who have entered the Scholarship or Championships

MUST register with the stage manager the relevant Adjudicator’s Reports for TWO MEMORISED SECTIONS.  Please do this straight after the qualifying sections to avoid panic when arriving at the Championships or Scholarship..  You may bring your reports with you to the Scholarship or Championship but verifying the sections causes delays to the running of the Championships and Scholarship.  Important:    A qualifying poem cannot be repeated in the Scholarship. (Rule 10(a))













Please refer to the City of Parramatta Eisteddfod website for more information.

15 to 25 years
200Open Scholarship Solo     15 to 25 years

Session: 29/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

a) 19th/20th Century Verse Own Choice T/L 3 mins b) Character Sketch Own Choice T/L 4 mins c) Impromptu Speech T/L 2 mins (1 min prep) No costumes, No props. One Chair only. 1st prize $2000 2nd Prize $500 Sponsored by Holroyd City Lions Club Inc.

Holroyd City Lions Club Inc. 2nd Prize $500

Entries Closed
Entry: $35.00
9 to 10 years
201Open Championship Solo     9 to 10 years

Session: 29/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 00:00

a) Set Poem "The Sounds in the Evening" Eleanor Farjeon b) Impromptu Mime T/L 1 min. (1 min prep.) No Costume. No props.

The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.00
11 to 12 years
202Open Championship Solo     11 to 12 years

Session: 29/06/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

a) Set Poem "Moods of the Sea" Dora Friendship b) Impromptu Mime T/L 1 min. (1 min. prep.) c ) Impromptu Speech T/L 1 min (1 min. prep.) No Costume. No Props.

Holroyd City Lions Club Inc.

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.00
13 to 14 years
203Open Championship Solo     13 to 14 years

Session: 23/06/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

a) Set Poem "The Filling of the Swamp" Will H. Olgivie b) Improvisation T/L 2 mins. (1 min. prep.) c ) Impromptu Speech T/L 1 min (1 min. prep.) No Costume. No Props.

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $16.00
17 years and over
204Open Verse (Own Choice) Solo     17 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $13.00
4 to 5 years
219Restricted Verse Solo     4 to 5 years

Session: 26/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
227Special Restricted Verse Solo     4 to 5 years

Session: 11/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 00:00

"Channel Chasers" Max Fatchen (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
235Open Memorised Prose Solo     7 to 8 years

Session: 23/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
6 to 7 years
242Open Australian Verse Solo     6 to 7 years

Session: 16/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 & Under
264Open Poem for Two Duo     9 & Under

Session: 01/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
15 & Under
267Open Poem for Two Duo     15 & Under

Session: 25/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
6 to 7 years
269Open Character Sketch in Costume Solo     6 to 7 years

Session: 18/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 03:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
270Open Character Sketch in Costume Solo     7 to 8 years

Session: 01/06/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00


Vicky Xu

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
271Open Character Sketch in Costume Solo     9 to 10 years

Session: 02/06/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00


Vicky Xu

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 12 years
272Open Character Sketch in Costume Solo     11 to 12 years

Session: 15/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 04:00


International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
273Open Character Sketch in Costume Solo     13 to 14 years

Session: 26/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 04:00


Helen Marchant Speech & Drama Teacher

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
15 to 16 years
274Open Character Sketch in Costume Solo     15 to 16 years

Session: 15/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 05:00


Sue Diserens

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
278Special Restricted Character Sketch in Costume Solo     13 to 14 years

Session: 01/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 04:00


Merryl Lloyd Speech and Drama

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
281Open Duologues in Costume Duo     13 to 14 years

Session: 02/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 05:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
15 to 16 years
282/283Open Duologues in Costume Duo     15 to 16 years

Session: 22/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 06:00


Jan Creer - Carlingford Youth Drama School, Telopea

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
288Open Prepared Public Speaking Solo     15 to 16 years

Session: 19/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 04:00

a) Diversity and unity b) Gratitude c) A.I. (Aritificial Intelligence)

Holroyd City Lions Club Inc.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
8 to 10 years
289/290Open Dramatic Scene for 3 -6 players Group     8 to 10 years

Session: 26/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 08:00


Vicky Xu

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
14 & Under
293Open Impromptu Phone Conversation for Two Duo     14 & Under

Session: 18/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:30

Topic given by Adjudicator

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
14 to 16 years
347Open Unison Reading, 2-3 readers, Prose Duo/Trio     14 to 16 years

Session: 16/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
4 to 5 years
210Open Verse Solo     4 to 5 years

Session: 11/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 00:00

"Upside Down" Aileen Fisher (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
5 to 6 years
211Open Verse Solo     5 to 6 years

Session: 26/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 00:00

"A Kookaburra Laughs" Joyce Trickett (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
6 to 7 years
212Open Verse Solo     6 to 7 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Sea" James Reeves (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
15 to 16 years
234Special Restricted Verse Solo     15 to 16 years

Session: 22/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

"Magic of the Brain" Jenny Joseph (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
236Open Memorised Prose Solo     9 to 10 years

Session: 01/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Merryl Lloyd Speech and Drama

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
10 to 11 years
250Special Restricted Australian Verse Solo     10 to 11 years

Session: 19/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props.

Sammes Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
14 to 15 years
252Special Restricted Australian Verse Solo     14 to 15 years

Session: 25/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:30

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props.

Merryl Lloyd Speech and Drama

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
10 to 11 years
260Open Group Prepared Mime, 2-6 players Group     10 to 11 years

Session: 25/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No costumes or props. One chair only per player.

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
13 & Under
266Open Poem for Two Duo     13 & Under

Session: 02/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
9 to 10 years
276Special Restricted Character Sketch in Costume Solo     9 to 10 years

Session: 22/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 03:00


Oxford Bathrooms

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
14 to 15 years
323Special Restricted Prepared Reading Solo     14 to 15 years

Session: 19/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

"Exit through the Gift Shop" Marayam Master OR "Lord of the Flies" William Golding

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
342/343Open Religious Text (in English) Solo     13 to 14 years

Session: 18/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:30


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
Any age
350Open Children with Special Needs Solo     Any age

Session: 02/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE. Any characterisation, poem or reading.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
213Open Verse Solo     7 to 8 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Strange Ways" Roger McGough (No costume, no props.)

Sharon Roumanos

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
216Open Verse Solo     13 to 14 years

Session: 02/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

"The Meadow Mouse" Theodore Roethke (No costume, no props.)

Jan Creer - Carlingford Youth Drama School, Telopea

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
16 to 17 years
226Restricted Verse Solo     16 to 17 years

Session: 15/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 12 years
237Open Memorised Prose Solo     11 to 12 years

Session: 19/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Elaine Hodda - Speech & Drama Teacher

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
15 to 16 years
239Open Memorised Prose Solo     15 to 16 years

Session: 25/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Elaine Hodda - Speech & Drama Teacher

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
8 to 9 years
249Special Restricted Australian Verse Solo     8 to 9 years

Session: 25/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props.

Jess Chan Speech and Drama

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
254Open Mime Solo     9 to 10 years

Session: 01/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No costumes or props. One chair only.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
8 to 9 years
257/258Open Impromptu Storytelling Solo     8 to 9 years

Session: 26/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:00

Topic Given By Adjudicator. 30 secs prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
5 to 6 years
262Open Nursery Rhyme or Character Sketch in Costume Solo     5 to 6 years

Session: 26/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 03:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
300Open Impromptu Reading Solo     9 to 10 years

Session: 02/06/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

Text Given By Adjudicator. 1 min. prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
302/303Open Impromptu Reading Solo     13 to 14 years

Session: 22/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

Text Given By Adjudicator. 1 min. prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
8 to 10 years
345Open Unison Reading, 2-3 readers, Prose Duo/Trio     8 to 10 years

Session: 23/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 03:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 13 years
346Open Unison Reading, 2-3 readers, Prose Duo/Trio     11 to 13 years

Session: 16/06/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
214Open Verse Solo     9 to 10 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Noah" James Reeves (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
5 to 6 years
220Restricted Verse Solo     5 to 6 years

Session: 11/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
12 to 13 years
224Restricted Verse Solo     12 to 13 years

Session: 11/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:30

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
15 to 16 years
247Open Australian Verse Solo     15 to 16 years

Session: 15/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props. Judith Burgess Memorial Award

Judith Burgess Memorial Award sponsored by Sue Diserens

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 12 years
255/256Open Mime Solo     11 to 12 years

Session: 22/06/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:30

OWN CHOICE - No costumes or props. One chair only.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
14 to 16 years
291Open Dramatic Scene for 3 -6 players Group     14 to 16 years

Session: 22/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 08:00


Sue Diserens

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
16 & Under
294Open Impromptu Phone Conversation for Two Duo     16 & Under

Session: 25/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00

Topic given by Adjudicator

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
School Grades 5-6
295Open Group Improvisation for 2-6 players Group     School Grades 5-6

Session: 23/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 04:00

Topic given by Adjudicator. 1 min. prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
11 to 12 years
215Open Verse Solo     11 to 12 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Magic of the Mind" Clive Webster (No costume, no props.)

Elaine Hodda - Speech & Drama Teacher

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
15 to 16 years
217Open Verse Solo     15 to 16 years

Session: 25/05/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

"Mass Cave" Kevin Coller (No costume, no props.)

Jess Chan Speech and Drama

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
243Open Australian Verse Solo     7 to 8 years

Session: 18/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props.

Sammes Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 12 years
245Open Australian Verse Solo     11 to 12 years

Session: 11/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:30

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props. Judith Burgess Memorial Award

Judith Burgess Memorial Award sponsored by Sue Diserens

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 & Under
265Open Poem for Two Duo     11 & Under

Session: 25/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props

Merryl Lloyd Speech and Drama

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
9 to 10 years
279/280Open Duologues in Costume Duo     9 to 10 years

Session: 01/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 05:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
12 & Under
292Open Impromptu Phone Conversation for Two Duo     12 & Under

Session: 19/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:00

Topic given by Adjudicator

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
11 to 12 years
301Open Impromptu Reading Solo     11 to 12 years

Session: 25/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 00:00

Text Given By Adjudicator. 1 min. prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
15 to 16 years
309Open Prepared Reading Solo     15 to 16 years

Session: 22/06/2024 6:00 PM    Time Limit: 00:00

"Mortal Engines" Philip Reeves OR "The Pianist" Wladyslaw Szpilman

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
17 years and over
218Open Verse Solo     17 years and over

Time Limit: 00:00

"Post Mortem" Mary B. Armitage (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $13.00
12 to 13 years
251Special Restricted Australian Verse Solo     12 to 13 years

Session: 26/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:30

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props.

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
253Open Mime Solo     7 to 8 years

Session: 26/05/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 01:30

OWN CHOICE - No costumes or props. One chair only.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 & Under
263Open Poem for Two Duo     7 & Under

Session: 02/06/2024 9:00 AM    Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
6 to 7 years
221Restricted Verse Solo     6 to 7 years

Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Jean-Paul Saab

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
340/341Open Religious Text (in English) Solo     9 to 10 years

Session: 18/05/2024 1:00 PM    Time Limit: 02:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
8 to 9 years
222Restricted Verse Solo     8 to 9 years

Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
10 to 11 years
223Restricted Verse Solo     10 to 11 years

Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Merryl Lloyd Speech and Drama

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
14 to 15 years
225Restricted Verse Solo     14 to 15 years

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

Precinct Landscape Architects, Telopea

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
5 to 6 years
228Special Restricted Verse Solo     5 to 6 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"There are Big Waves" Eleanor Farjeon (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
6 to 7 years
229Special Restricted Verse Solo     6 to 7 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Ghostly Lessons" Judith Nichols (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
230Special Restricted Verse Solo     7 to 8 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Aunty Wim" Wilbur G. Halcroft (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
231Special Restricted Verse Solo     9 to 10 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Dad Meets the Martians" Stephen Whiteside (No costume, no props.)

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 12 years
232Special Restricted Verse Solo     11 to 12 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Heads or Tails?" Kit Wright (No costume, no props.)

Danielle Atkinson - Speech & Drama Teacher

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
233Special Restricted Verse Solo     13 to 14 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Write a Poem" Olive Dunn (No costume, no props.)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
238Open Memorised Prose Solo     13 to 14 years

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props.

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
14 to 16 years
240Open Shakespearian Extracts in Costume Solo     14 to 16 years

Time Limit: 06:00

(a) Sonnet - Own Choice and (b) Extract from any play - Own Choice Competitors must be 14 yrs old as at 1 April 2024.

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $15.00
17 years and over
241Open Shakespearian Extracts in Costume Solo     17 years and over

Time Limit: 06:00

(a) Sonnet - Own Choice and (b) Extract from any play - Own Choice

International Music Examinations Board (I.M.E.B)

Entries Closed
Entry: $18.00
9 to 10 years
244Open Australian Verse Solo     9 to 10 years

Time Limit: 02:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props.

Oxford Bathrooms

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
246Open Australian Verse Solo     13 to 14 years

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props. Judith Burgess Memorial Award

Judith Burgess Memorial Award sponsored by Sue Diserens

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
17 years and over
248Open Australian Verse Solo     17 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - Poem must be written by an Australian Poet and have recognisable Australian content and themes. No costume. No props. Judith Burgess Memorial Award

Judith Burgess Memorial Award sponsored by Sue Diserens

Entries Closed
Entry: $13.00
8 to 9 years
259Open Group Prepared Mime, 2-6 players Group     8 to 9 years

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No costumes or props. One chair only per player.

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
12 to 13 years
261Open Group Prepared Mime, 2-6 players Group     12 to 13 years

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No costumes or props. One chair only per player.

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
17 and under
268Open Poem for Two Duo     17 and under

Time Limit: 03:00

OWN CHOICE - No Costume. No props

Entries Closed
Entry: $21.00
17 years and over
275Open Character Sketch in Costume Solo     17 years and over

Time Limit: 05:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $13.00
11 to 12 years
277Special Restricted Character Sketch in Costume Solo     11 to 12 years

Time Limit: 04:00


Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
284Open Prepared Public Speaking Solo     7 to 8 years

Time Limit: 01:30

a) My Super Power b) A Dream Holiday c)The Best Day Ever

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
285Open Prepared Public Speaking Solo     9 to 10 years

Time Limit: 02:30

a) The importance of kindness b)Why recycle? c) My Favourite invention

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 12 years
286Open Prepared Public Speaking Solo     11 to 12 years

Time Limit: 03:00

a) Inventions that changed the world b) My Hero c) Dreams and Ambitions

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
School Grades 7-8
296Open Group Improvisation for 2-6 players Group     School Grades 7-8

Time Limit: 05:00

Topic given by Adjudicator. 1 min. prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
School Grades 9-10
297Open Group Improvisation for 2-6 players Group     School Grades 9-10

Time Limit: 05:00

Topic given by Adjudicator. 1 min. prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
School Grades 11-12
298Open Group Improvisation for 2-6 players Group     School Grades 11-12

Time Limit: 05:00

Topic given by Adjudicator. 1 min. prep time

Entries Closed
Entry: $24.00
6 to 7 years
304Open Prepared Reading Solo     6 to 7 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Tale of Jemima Puddleduck" Beatrix Potter OR "Harry the Dirty Dog" Gene Zion

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
7 to 8 years
305Open Prepared Reading Solo     7 to 8 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Adventures of Pinocchio" Carlo Collodi OR "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" C.S. Lewis

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
9 to 10 years
306Open Prepared Reading Solo     9 to 10 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Return to the Hundred Acre Wood" David Benedictus OR "The Giant Baby" Allan Ahlberg

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
11 to 12 years
307Open Prepared Reading Solo     11 to 12 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Wizards of Once" Cressida Cowell OR "Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief" Rick Riordan

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
308Open Prepared Reading Solo     13 to 14 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Boy on the Wooden Box" Leon Leyson OR "One of Us is Lying" Karen M. McManus

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
17 years and over
310Open Prepared Reading Solo     17 years and over

Time Limit: 03:00


The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
8 to 9 years
320Special Restricted Prepared Reading Solo     8 to 9 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"I Hate Books" Kate Walker OR "Funny Kid Get Licked" Matt Stanton

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
10 to 11 years
321Special Restricted Prepared Reading Solo     10 to 11 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"The Glimme" Emily Rodda OR Natural Born Leader Loser" Oliver Phommavanh

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
12 to 13 years
322Special Restricted Prepared Reading Solo     12 to 13 years

Time Limit: 00:00

"Liars - the Truth App" Jack Heath OR "Ride the Wild Wind" Jackie French

The Alison Holloway Memorial Award Sponsored by The Rolfe and Holloway Family

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00
13 to 14 years
287Open Prepared Public Speaking Solo     13 to 14 years

Time Limit: 04:00

a) The 'throwaway' mentalitiy is ruining Australia. b) Demonstrations don't achieve their goals c) 'He who hesitates is lost.'

Bing Zhang

Entries Closed
Entry: $11.00