View Discipline Rule
- All competitions shall be open to all persons. Open Sections are open to all comers except for Professional Performers i.e., someone who earns their entire living from performance. The competitor’s age for Solos shall be calculated as at the opening date of the Dance Eisteddfod, for Groups the age shall be calculated as at 1 January 2024.
- In these rules, the word “Committee” shall mean the Management Committee of the Kempsey Eisteddfod Society Inc.
- The Committee reserves the right to call upon any competitor at any time to furnish at his or her own expense, proof of age, and to withhold any prize until such proof has been furnished.
- Competitors who have been taught, coached, or advised by an Adjudicator of any section of the present Eisteddfod during the three months preceding the opening date of the Eisteddfod shall not be eligible to compete in that section, and in doing so will be disqualified.
- Competitors shall compete in the order in which their names appear in the official programme and if not present when called upon, shall render themselves liable to disqualification. Any changes made after the entries are closed, where the error is not the fault of the committee will incur a fee of $10.00 per correction. Email requests to Please ensure that you read the current syllabus. See Rules 19 & 24
- The Committee reserves the right to amend the programme at any time by varying the date or order of competitors or time of sections. Unless a Competitor is entered in the incorrect Section there will be no changes to the Programme after it has been published.
- No teacher or parent shall be allowed on the stage or in the wings, except for Baby Dance Solo, 8 years and under Novice Solos and Tiny Tots Group. Prompting of any kind will not be permitted during a performance.
- The Adjudicator reserves the right at all times to terminate a competitor’s performance at any stage. Such does not necessarily mean disqualification or disapproval.
- Any person wishing to communicate with an Adjudicator during a session may do so only through the Secretary or President.
- If through unforeseen circumstances, an Adjudicator is unable to perform his or her duties, the Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute.
- No competitor shall be allowed to render the same solo in more than one section – a slight variation of steps does not constitute a new routine.
- Time limits for all sections apply. All solos will be three minutes, groups will be allowed four minutes. All improvisations will be of a maximum 1.5 minutes in duration. Unless otherwise stated.
- The use of private video equipment, still cameras or mobile phones (with or without flash) during the Eisteddfod is strictly prohibited, in the change rooms or main hall. Disregard of this rule is in violation of copyright laws and will be dealt with severely. The Committee has engaged the services of an official video recording service and official photographer for the duration of the Eisteddfod.
- In all sections, 2nd prize may be awarded if there are four or more entries and a 3rd prize if there are more than seven entries. The Adjudicator shall have the power to award prizes in all sections, subject to the Committee’s approval.
- In the case of duos and trios, ALL NAMES and BIRTHDATES of the competitors must be placed on the one entry.
- Props must be easily handled by one person and not affixed to any part of the building and must be removed promptly at the end of the performance.
- Lighting Adjustment: Under no circumstances is hall or stage lighting to be altered for any performances.
- The Committee reserves the right to substitute an equivalent trophy for any prize listed.
- Every consideration will be given to visiting competitors in the preparation of the programme. ALL REQUESTS must be in writing and accompany the entry.
- Any practices by competitors in the concert hall shall not be permitted during the Eisteddfod.
- No entry will be accepted unless accompanied by full fees.
- Entries in all sections must be lodged on or before the closing date, via the STARDOM website.
- In any section where there are inadequate entry numbers, the Committee may exercise its discretion regarding the retention of such sections or to combine sections.
- Should the Committee be convinced that any entry has been made in error, the Committee reserves the right to transfer such entry to the correct section.
- In all duo and trio sections no competitor shall compete more than once in that section.
- This Society accepts no responsibility for any infringement of the Copyright Act.
- Dancers perform at their own risk.
- Any competitor, providing he or she gains 65 marks or more, may purchase the Society’s Certificate of Merit on application to the Session Secretary at the hall.
- The Committee takes every care but accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to any property. Competitors PLEASE COLLECT your belongings at the end of each section.
- No accepted entry fee shall be refunded. No competitor may be substituted with another person in solo or duo/trio sections.
- The decision of the Committee, in all questions and disputes arising out of, or which are not provided for within these rules, shall be final. Protests, if any, shall be lodged with the Secretary or President, in writing, within a quarter of an hour after completion of the section in respect of which, the protest is entered. This protest must be accompanied by a deposit of $20.00 which will be forfeited if the protest is deemed frivolous or unfounded.
- BAD BEHAVIOUR: Any competitor who is found to be acting in an abusive or destructive manner; or is disrespectful to the Committee, Eisteddfod Volunteers, or other competitors, may be disqualified or eliminated from further competition, for that year of Kempsey Eisteddfod. This rule also applies to any member of a competitor’s support group (including parents).
- Novice Sections shall be limited to those competitors who have never won a first place in the relevant category i.e. Ballet, Jazz, Tap (any style), Contemporary, Hip Hop etc. at any age, in any prior Eisteddfod and/or Dance Competition as at the closing date of entries for Kempsey Eisteddfod. If the competitor has won a Championship in one category, (e.g. Classical), that competitor may still enter novice sections in other categories (e.g. Jazz), provided they have not won a first place in those categories.
- Please ensure that the content of all performances is appropriate for all audience age groups and is respectful to the venue in which the eisteddfod is held. Bad language and some adult themes are not deemed appropriate for eisteddfods and may result in the performance being terminated and the competitor/s disqualified. Please make yourself aware of the lyrics of music used.
- Failure to comply with any of the foregoing rules and conditions may result in disqualification and withholding of prizes. All entries are received subject to this proviso, which shall not be subject to appeal at law as being contrary to the spirit of friendly competition upon which the Eisteddfod is based.
- Variety: This solo MUST NOT include any other style of dance which is included in this syllabus. E.g. Song & Dance. Examples of dances that can be performed in this section are: Acrobatics, Musical Theatre, Mime with dance, soft shoe, Musical Comedy Routine and Comedy Dance Routine.
- Costume Guidelines for Improvisations: PLAIN UNADORNED LEOTARD (no lace or mesh) must be worn, maximum 2 plain colours. NO PATTERNS, MARBLING OR FLORAL ALLOWED. NO FISHNET STOCKINGS. Short skirt is optional. (Knee length or above). Tight shorts or jazz pants permitted. NO ADORNMENT ALLOWED IN THE HAIR. Earrings: Plain Studs or Sleepers only. No diamante earrings. No glitter makeup or glitter eyelashes. No sequins whatsoever. NO PHONES ARE PERMITTED IN THE IMPRO ROOM.
- It is the responsibility of the competitor to be inside the Impro room PRIOR to the commencement of the Item. Only competitors in lockdown will be permitted to compete.
- We do not accept combined School Groups, Students may only perform in one section for the School/Campus, they currently attend.
- A $25 Cover Charge is Payable by ALL Solo Competition competitors. This will cover the cost of the online program and UNLIMITED entry to all solo sessions for competitors and spectators. This is per competitor, not per entry. For example, if you have 2 competitors you will need to pay 2 cover charges. This eliminates the need to buy multiple tickets for every spectator at the event.
- ALL competitors in the group sections will be required to wear tights during their performances where the leg line is shorter than a boyleg. Solo competitors are strongly encouraged to wear tights where the leg line is shorter than a boyleg. This is in the interest of child protection and safety when performing in a public venue.
- Variation solo must be danced with the traditional choreography for the selected piece of music.